Saturday, May 15, 2010

Who is John Galt??

I swear by my Life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine.
Ayn Rand rang the clarion alarm in 1957, with Atlas Shrugged . It goes with out saying that Ayn Rand was a prophet looking to today.
The only thing that Any Rand did not predict in this book is that the head of state for the United States (Mr. Thompson)should have been a black communist lacking any shread of integrity.
What follows is a call to action for those of us who care about living as a Free Objective Individuals.
Let me say that the communist and all its musings will fabricate all sorts of impolitic, ad hoc rules and regulations, and ultimately remove your rights..Your GOD given rights…
The Communist would have us believe that its epithets provide a liberating insight into life, the universe, and everything under the sun, along with every aspect of your life. Not surprisingly, its evidence for that utterly unenlightened claim is top-heavy with anonymous sources and, to put it mildly, it has a checkered track record for accuracy. Communism fails every time it is tried, unless it is a totalatarian autocracy, and then you will obey or pay the price. Let’s consider 150 million dead, that we know of in the 20th century alone, due to the wonderful, magnanimous and all knowing, ruthless Communist..
I contend it would be more accurate for communist to say that it insists that it is an organization of peace…. Just like I hear these days of another group of people that strap bombs on and go out a murder the children of the people they HATE, They are a peaceful people, or a religion of peace… Are they not???!!!
This fraud, this lie, is just one among the thousands they perpetrate.
Here are a few points to ponder:
1. I wish supercilious boors like communist's community organizers would quit whining and try doing some honest work for a change. Instead of trying to tell us how to live and work.
2. It is a dangerous folly to ignore the threat to our Representative Republic posed by these gloomy perjurers.
3. Communist's adulators are uneducable, narrow minded autocrats. Who want control over your work, diet, hobbies, travel, leasure, family, home, hearth, life and limb.
Those points may at first seem unrelated, but when you connect the dots it becomes clear that communist's reason is not true reason. It does not seek the truth but only warped answers, along with the unatainable and ever elusive utopia, they know deep in there heart of hearts, DOES NOT EXIST, only besotted resolutions to conflicts that have failed every time used and headed for dystopia.
Given that communist's obstreperous newsgroups
(“The Lie To Me Nightly News Media”) postings are part of the workforce training agenda for the global planned economy, it stands to reason that some reputed—as opposed to reputable—members of its junta quite adamantly claim that communism is the way, the truth, and the light.
I find it rather astonishing that anyone could insist such a thing, but then again, The communist likes thinking thoughts that aren't burdensome and that feel good. Like most anchor’s in almost all of the News rooms today, not to mention most of the left in Washington. . I say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
What's scary is that support for communist's disruptive values is spreading like a prairie fire among what I call obtuse crackpots, uneducated in public schools, and the sick, lame, and lazy. I don't know why that is, but I do know that the communist is too shallow to read the writing on the wall.
This writing warns that all its subalterns are afraid that they will be exposed for the fraud they are and that the masses will see the wrong headed lie that is communism, denuded.
I have seen their fear manifested over and over again, and it is further evidence that communist are the one who needs to reassess there assumptions and “ Check their premises.”
They too should realize that the communist operates on an international scale to tell us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know, and—most importantly—what not to know. Think news media and the lie of omission.. Think Orwell’s book 1984.
War is peace. Freedom is salvery. The ministry of information or the news media has a memory hole so you forget what your told to forget.
It's only fitting, therefore, that we, too, work on an international scale, by working on a local scale to inform our friends, family, neighbor’s, and coworkers to take up the all-encompassing challenge of freedom, justice, equality, and the pursuit of life with full dignity, and respect for the individual.
Stand with me, be honest with me, If we network, mesh and inform one another We will expose every puerile practice of every puerile drug lord, pushing the opiate of collectivism, and together we'll fight and defeat the warped, distorted, misshapen, unwholesome monstrosity that communist's stratagems have become. We'll extricate as many people as possible from its grip. I'm counting on you. Thanks for reading this.

We are all John Galt
For The Republic


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