Thursday, May 13, 2010


It is time.
It is time for all the people in this great country to stand up once and for all and say enough is enough; we are fed up with the lies, the deceit, murder, rape, extortion, and hypocrisies of the pharisaical charlatans in the UNITED NATIONS.
Most of the so called leaders of the United Nations should be removed from position and put on trial as the full fledged commission or” Dons “of the largest organized crime ring in the history of the world. When these people open their mouth they speak in useless platitudes, they defend the indefensible, and protect the wicked with a full court of mendacity. The U.N. crime ring is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Africa, the enslavement and trafficking of human beings along with the prostitution of children. Remember the oil for food program???
These criminals have aggrandized money from the United States and given it to tin horn dictators and thugs to the tune of BILLIONS (one can only imagine), and made sure that rape rooms and murder chambers in Baghdad were kept open and busy. God forbid a country tries to protect its borders; it sets them off on an apoplectic fit. Its time to tell these clowns to mind their own business. How does anyone in the United Nations have the audacity and unmitigated gall, to tell any country that it cannot defend itself, against an aggressor? Aggressors like the people that have “The Religion of Peace
I for one would tell Israel “TAKE NO PRISONERS” It’s just not worth it when your enemy shows no sign of human compassion and or reason and a complete disregard for innocence, be they children or woman.
The U.N. has never solved anything, any emergency, any war, any flood, earthquake, volcano, famine, storms, and genocide, the U.N. is impudent and ineffective to the point of negligence, just like all communist. Then will try to profit off the catastrophe, to hell with the people.
The U.N. has looked at slavery in Muslim countries and gave it a wink and nod.
The U.N. peacekeepers have proven to be in some cases worse then the evil in the Congo.
Unfortunately the world response to this incompetent, recalcitrant bunch of thugs,
Is at best, pusillanimous.
How can we? The people of the free world just stand by and let this scourge of mankind
go on with this treachery and deceitfulness under the heading of the organization that is doing GOOD in the world, and all the while being the most pernicious violators of the rule of law. This organization and all its rules are deleterious to our national security and sovereignty. It is time for the United Nations to get out of the United States and the United States to get out of the United Nations. Stop sending our tax dollars to this monstrosity, and fund our military to protect our boarders.
Steven Rago


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