Sunday, January 13, 2008

Who is the RNC

Republican National Committee
310 First Street SE
P.O. Box 96994
Washington DC. 20077-7556

Robert M. Duncan

Dear Sir,
I received a letter in the mail today along with a Republican Party census document, I read it and the census, after reading the documents I decided to write it letter.
As you know or you should know, I am a conservative, there for I have a job and I get paid weekly like most hard working blue-collar workers. Because of this my wife and I tend to spend money wisely and we try to sure that our money is doing what we want it to do, we get the most bang for the buck. One of the ways that we make sure that this happens, is to know the people and companies that get our money.
So then the reason for this letter is to ask the question, WHO ARE YOU???? And why are you asking complete stranger for money, and opinions. It’s a shame that we don’t know each other, because I can remember something called the R.N.C. back in the 1980’s when the Greatest President in the history of the United States was part of something called the R.N.C. Are you the same people or group and organization????
Because if you are then something is drastically wrong!!!! It just seems to me that the people in your organization are not republicans, but RINO’S (republicans in name only)
It is amazing to hear these RINO’S that support illegal immigration and worse then that amnesty for illegal immigrants. When we had the House the Senate and the presidency
The republican’s lead buy the biggest rino you have, BUSH. Spent money like drunken sailors in a whorehouse. Not to mention that you couldn’t get a bill to drill for our own oil in Alaska, the judicial nominees are filibustered and you can’t do a Dam thing about it.
Did you know that you controlled the government at the time???
The RINO from Arizona took away our freedom of political speech and you let him get away with it!!! And then our rino president signs it into LAW!!!!!
Conservatives want to know. We have watched the R.N.C. and the rino’s just get bulldozed and run over by the D.N.C when the republicans were in the majority. Didn’t you know that you were in the majority???
The socialist in the DNC is lead by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and both of them are as dumb as a box of rocks and they make the RNC look bad very day. WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???
So according to your letter you want to stop the socialist in the DNC from cutting defense and intelligence budgets, and spend on give away programs, How are you going to do this, when you can’t control the liberals in the republican party???

When you speak of the liberal special interest being reenergized and the radical environmentalist, gun grabbers, trial lawyers, I wonder if your talking about liberals like Lindsey Graham (He wants amnesty) He’s a disgrace. Trent Lott (He wants to do something about Talk Radio) What happened to free speech???
John McCain the biggest socialist the DNC could hope for. Olympia Snow (shame)
Arlen Spector should hang his head in shame for the way he votes and his disservice to the good people of Pennsylvania by his actions in and on the judiciary He acts like a puppet of the DNC.
Voinvich, Murkowski, Martinez (he’s a disgrace), Lugar, Kyl, Hagel, Brownback, BOND.. All these people act like they would sell their souls to get air time or face time on (THE LIE TO ME NIGHTLY NEWS NETWORKS) We all know that the most dangerous place in the world is between a TV camera and John McCain.

Did the people in the RNC forget why you were sent to Washington???
Do you remember us the electorate??? We tell you what we want and you go off a do what ever. Start acting like Conservatives. What is it going to take for the PEOPLE to be heard??? WILL WE HAVE TO MARCH ON WASHINGTON AT NIGHT WITH PITCH FORKS AND TORCHES???

It’s a sad day in America when to people we sent to Washington stop hearing the people,
Remember that you all govern at the will of the governed

So to end this letter
Until you, the RNC cleans up the RINO”s and get them back on the farm and flying correctly, weed out the liberal socialist in the RNC. And by the way when I say socialist I do mean Collectivist, Marxist, Leninist, Communist. Until that’s done, and the whole of the RNC start acting like Ronald Reagan conservative Republicans.

The Republican National Committee will not get a dime from my family, or me
Take my name off the mailing list,
Remove me from your rolls as a member.
You people just can’t be trusted any longer; you have hurt the conservative cause for a long time. Give me a Ronald Reagan conservative RNC; then we’ll talk


Steven Rago

Is The United States Full Of Racist!?

Is The United States Full Of Racist!????

Or do the hate America socialist want you to think it!!!!!

Now if you listen to the lie to me nightly news networks, that’s what the talking mannequins and all the fantasy print that’s fit to be news will tell you and the world, and they expect all of us to believe it.

IT seems that the nightly liars can get their que from the rabble rousers that call themselves Racial Activist and of course the hate America leftist. These Racial Activist and socialist must scream and rant and rave about how racist we all are, and keep it in the news, because that’s how they make their living, and a good one at that.

Now please don’t think that I am saying that there are no racists in America….
I know full well that they are here in America and any body with good God given common sense will view them as a parasite that is to no advantage to our great country, and our multitudes of peoples from every country around the globe, Unfortunately ignorance is not illegal and everyone is free to be as dumb as one wants.

However let me say that if an American will look around you will see that America is chock-full and teaming with all kinds of people from all points on the compass, doing all the kinds of things that ad up to the American dream in our great country.
How can you see this on display? Open any yellow pages phone book from any large city in America and go to the restaurant section; you will have the world at your fingertips.
The choice of cuisine will run from one part of the world to the other, German, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, Irish, Australian, Vietnamese, Indian, Pakistani, Mongolian, Russian, Turkish, Ukraine, Greek, All the Nordic countries, Spain, Portugal, Somalian, Ethiopian, Brazilian, Peruvian, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Haitian, and don’t forget the down home soul food entrenched here in the south and the inner cities of the north, along with the American Indian foods on the plain states and the west.

Is there any place on earth that can be more diverse? Is there any other mass of people on earth that can be more intertwined?

Say Libya or Morocco, If you go there can you get a great dish of mustard greens and ham hocks? Nope.

Japan or Vietnam, Can you get a good Four-cheese sauce over tortellini?? Think not.

How about we try to get Brazilian food in Korea? (South), the north doesn’t have food, never the less I don’t think it will happen.

Maybe some Sauerbraten in down town metropolitan Garoowe, Somalia… Not

What if we were in the city of Koura, in the country of Chad could we get down to the little Italy section and have Shrimp and hot sauce over pasta, to die for??? Not today.

How about Liberia can you get a real good dish of General Chow’s Chicken with fried rice and egg drop soup?? I don’t think you will have much luck

I think you get the point. The Immigrants that came here and served the other immigrant people that were from their countries of origin in the U.S. started most of the restaurants here. All these people came with families and friends and started little conclaves, and while melting into the American family kept little parts of their culture and made this country the greatest place on God’s green earth to live.

If they didn’t have a market they would be out of business quick, the market place has no conscience, But the strong survive, and service not only the like minded people of (THE OLD COUNTRY) as my grandparents called it, but all the other people from all over the world.
What this does is give all people the ability to experience other cultures, get to know the people and the customs of parts of the world that you may never be able to travel to, Go to Brooklyn New York and you will have Hebrew, Jamaican, West Indies, Arab, Italian and Irish living and working in the same places going to the same stores. The smart and savvy American will have eaten and experienced many of the nationalities cultures and foods listed on the first page, I can remember my Father always saying to me as a very young street kid in Brooklyn (HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU DON’T LIKE THIS FOOD, IF YOU NEVER TRIED IT???) We can go have Egyptian food, kosher food,
We can go to Atlanta Ga. And eat French, Dallas and eat Japanese food, All of our great cities across this blessed country has the worlds food at our finger tips, along with that food we have the people and cultures to go with. We are all either immigrants or decedents of immigrants, and the Lie To Me Nightly News Networks say that we are xenophobic????? And won’t open up to different people. We are here living the American Dream all of us are doing what good people want, Live Free, Work, Feed our families, Buy a House, Kids going to school And making America Better, Greater, Stronger and the most superb Country God Gave Man.

I know that I spoke a lot about food, but if you find the food you find the culture and the people.

WE are not Racist we are Americans and we are the most generous, forgiving, benevolent, caring, compassionate people on earth. I could list hundreds of natural disasters, storms, famine, earthquakes, title waves that wipe out hundreds of thousands, wars, fires and wind storms, ships sinking and airline crashes, untold thousands of rescues, aid given to any and all that are in need. No one asked what religion, color, national origin, sex or any other question. We just give, help, console, and edify the people that need help.

We are a nation of laws and as long as we maintain those laws and enforce the law we will remain the shining city on the hill. If we falter and become lawless rabble like that of the first paragraph, we face the same fate as the Roman Empire.

So my fellow Americans when the lie to you nightly news networks try to tell you that we are racist, just think of our city’s and towns that have a vast amount of many different people all living and working together and being the great melting pot.
Take for instance the Fire fighters of this country, they run in to a burning building to save life and preserve property they won’t ask what religion or country your people come from. Same with EMT workers they don’t ask your sexual preference before helping you,
Law enforcement workers will put their lives between you and danger and not give a dam weather your Black, Hispanic, Asian, Mediterranean, or White.

We are not racist. We are the greatest mass of different people on earth, all living together and making this the greatest country in human history, and I am proud to be a part of it, and I am glad you here with me. GOD BLESS AMERICA

Steven Rago