Thursday, April 22, 2010

Constitution? We don't need no stinking Constitution!

The strange thing about the Democratic rank-and-file now is that their Leftist-Liberal leaders have almost comprehensively and completely built-in a fundamental dislike (almost hatred) and distrust of the state and US Constitutions and Declaration of Independence.

How bizarre. If one talks with a typical Democrat these days and particularly the younger ones, they have an almost automatic disdain for the state and federal Constitutions and have virtually no knowledge of them or the principles involved. That is very different from the Democrats I grew up around in the 60s. Today, it is reflected in the zombie-like rhetoric and name-calling about anyone, whether a Republican, Independent, Libertarian or others who profess a love and understanding of the Founding documents and the principles involved. I would think they would understand that this is a very dangerous trend for the long-term survival of their own party IN THIS COUNTRY.

Even if a Democrat is found that openly professes a love (extremely rare) of the Constitution(s) and Declaration, almost none of them have studied in-depth either the state or federal Constitutions or have an understanding of the principles behind the documents. That is a clear reflection of how far their party leadership has moved the rank-and-file away from those principles. Most Democrats don't even seem to understand how those principles were set-up to work at all or why. Rejecting the principles, they have adopted the "living document" fallacy to accomodate the rejection.

It was only a few short decades ago that Democrats were just as likely to profess a love and understanding of the Constitution as any Republican. They understood many of the same principles, just took a slightly different view of them. Now there is virtually nothing in common with those that want to see Constitutional government. How did that happen? Five or six decades ago many Democrats, similar to many Republcans, were still "classic liberals", which is referred to today as a 'libertarian.' It is interesting how time causes such large polarity flips to where the average Democrat of today wouldn't even recognize his counterpart of 60 years ago. He would believe that counterpart to be a Republican! Anyone that needs a fact-check on that should Google and read the National Democratic Platform from 1932 that FDR ran on, then was the first to throw away.

Both major parties have strayed far from their roots and principles. Many Republicans have a long way (some as far as the Dems from another direction) to go to find their way back to the Founding principles. Both parties have precipitated the rise of the TEA Party movement because of it. However, it is clear at this point that the reason that Democrats only comprise 12-17% of TEA Partiers is the success the anti-Constitutionalists have had in the Democratic Party. The average Democrat sees someone who believes in the Constitution and Declaration as someone to fear and loathe. That's something all Democrats need to think about and why more need to flock to the TEA Party movement before it is too late.

Jeff Wright
Vice-Chair, EPC TEA Party

"The man who lets a leader prescribe his course is a wreck being towed to the scrap heap." - Ayn Rand

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