Sunday, January 13, 2008

Who is the RNC

Republican National Committee
310 First Street SE
P.O. Box 96994
Washington DC. 20077-7556

Robert M. Duncan

Dear Sir,
I received a letter in the mail today along with a Republican Party census document, I read it and the census, after reading the documents I decided to write it letter.
As you know or you should know, I am a conservative, there for I have a job and I get paid weekly like most hard working blue-collar workers. Because of this my wife and I tend to spend money wisely and we try to sure that our money is doing what we want it to do, we get the most bang for the buck. One of the ways that we make sure that this happens, is to know the people and companies that get our money.
So then the reason for this letter is to ask the question, WHO ARE YOU???? And why are you asking complete stranger for money, and opinions. It’s a shame that we don’t know each other, because I can remember something called the R.N.C. back in the 1980’s when the Greatest President in the history of the United States was part of something called the R.N.C. Are you the same people or group and organization????
Because if you are then something is drastically wrong!!!! It just seems to me that the people in your organization are not republicans, but RINO’S (republicans in name only)
It is amazing to hear these RINO’S that support illegal immigration and worse then that amnesty for illegal immigrants. When we had the House the Senate and the presidency
The republican’s lead buy the biggest rino you have, BUSH. Spent money like drunken sailors in a whorehouse. Not to mention that you couldn’t get a bill to drill for our own oil in Alaska, the judicial nominees are filibustered and you can’t do a Dam thing about it.
Did you know that you controlled the government at the time???
The RINO from Arizona took away our freedom of political speech and you let him get away with it!!! And then our rino president signs it into LAW!!!!!
Conservatives want to know. We have watched the R.N.C. and the rino’s just get bulldozed and run over by the D.N.C when the republicans were in the majority. Didn’t you know that you were in the majority???
The socialist in the DNC is lead by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and both of them are as dumb as a box of rocks and they make the RNC look bad very day. WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???
So according to your letter you want to stop the socialist in the DNC from cutting defense and intelligence budgets, and spend on give away programs, How are you going to do this, when you can’t control the liberals in the republican party???

When you speak of the liberal special interest being reenergized and the radical environmentalist, gun grabbers, trial lawyers, I wonder if your talking about liberals like Lindsey Graham (He wants amnesty) He’s a disgrace. Trent Lott (He wants to do something about Talk Radio) What happened to free speech???
John McCain the biggest socialist the DNC could hope for. Olympia Snow (shame)
Arlen Spector should hang his head in shame for the way he votes and his disservice to the good people of Pennsylvania by his actions in and on the judiciary He acts like a puppet of the DNC.
Voinvich, Murkowski, Martinez (he’s a disgrace), Lugar, Kyl, Hagel, Brownback, BOND.. All these people act like they would sell their souls to get air time or face time on (THE LIE TO ME NIGHTLY NEWS NETWORKS) We all know that the most dangerous place in the world is between a TV camera and John McCain.

Did the people in the RNC forget why you were sent to Washington???
Do you remember us the electorate??? We tell you what we want and you go off a do what ever. Start acting like Conservatives. What is it going to take for the PEOPLE to be heard??? WILL WE HAVE TO MARCH ON WASHINGTON AT NIGHT WITH PITCH FORKS AND TORCHES???

It’s a sad day in America when to people we sent to Washington stop hearing the people,
Remember that you all govern at the will of the governed

So to end this letter
Until you, the RNC cleans up the RINO”s and get them back on the farm and flying correctly, weed out the liberal socialist in the RNC. And by the way when I say socialist I do mean Collectivist, Marxist, Leninist, Communist. Until that’s done, and the whole of the RNC start acting like Ronald Reagan conservative Republicans.

The Republican National Committee will not get a dime from my family, or me
Take my name off the mailing list,
Remove me from your rolls as a member.
You people just can’t be trusted any longer; you have hurt the conservative cause for a long time. Give me a Ronald Reagan conservative RNC; then we’ll talk


Steven Rago

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