By Jerrold L. Sobel
Please forget one of the great fallacies of our time: Israel did not steal Palestinian land. It's not Palestinians' land; it's never been their land; it will never be their land. This land was given to the Jewish people, as stated in the Bible, by the Creator, and will remain the homeland of the Jewish people in perpetuity. Despite 27 invasions of Judea and Samaria (erroneously called the West Bank), conquests by many, forced conversions, exiles, massive oppression, generations of Diaspora, and cowardly acquiescence by a cadre of 5th-column Jews themselves, Jews have not only survived in what's known in Hebrew as Eretz Yisrael (Israel), but they've taken a desert wasteland and turned it into a powerful little democracy, the envy of the world.
To her detractors, of whom there are many worldwide, the mantra remains the same, ad nauseam. "Israel is complicit in doing this."
"She omitted doing that." "We respect Judaism but are against Zionism." Attempting to mask their anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism, Israel's enemies propagandize the most vile accusations in such numbers that much of it sticks. To cite just a few:
Myth: "Israel discriminates against its Arab citizens."
The facts show otherwise. Israel is one of the most open societies in the world. Out of a population of 6.7 million, 1.1 million are Muslims, 130,000 are Christians, and 100,000 are Druze. All have equal voting rights -- Israel is one of a very few place where Arab women have the right to vote, and Arabs currently hold 14 seats in the Knesset.
Following a five-year trial, in a landmark decision for women's rights, an Arab judge, Salim Joubran, sentenced the former president of Israel, Moshe Katsav, to seven years in prison for rape. In what Muslim country do Jews have such rights? How many seats do Jews hold in the Saudi government or Jordan? Can anyone recall a Jewish judge sentencing a prominent Arab in Egypt? More to the point, has anyone even heard of a Jewish judge in Egypt?
Myth: "The Palestinian Authority protects Jewish holy sites."
If only that were true. Then one important element blocking a sincere peace would be eliminated, but the facts speak otherwise. Just in the years between 1996-2000:
In Septemer 1996, Palestinian rioters destroyed a synagogue at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus.
Rachel's Tomb near Bethlehem has been repeatedly attacked since 1996.
In October 2000, Joseph's Tomb was torched after the Israeli garrison guarding it was temporarily withdrawn. It was subsequently rebuilt as a mosque.
In October 2000, the ancient synagogue in Jericho was destroyed by arson, and a second historic synagogue was damaged.
Forget about protecting these sites -- in textbooks, speech, and daily life, the Palestinians and their supporters absurdly deny any Jewish connection at all to these ancient landmarks. This all occurs under nominal Israeli control of these areas; one can only imagine the fate of Jewish holy sites left to Palestinian stewardship.
This brings us to the greatest canard of them all, the foundation on which every pro-Palestinian lie is based: "The Jews are building settlements on Palestinian land."
This grand daddy of all fabrications makes great copy for the media and is excellent for denigrators of Israel, but it lacks any basis in historical fact. There is no Palestinian land, plain and simple. If there were, when would it have been founded, and by whom? What would its borders have been, and what about the name of its capital? What would its major cities have been? What would have constituted the basis of its economy? What form of government would it have lived under?
Was Palestine ever recognized as an entity by another country? By whom? What was the language of the country called Palestine? What was Palestine's religion? What was the name of its currency? Since there is no such country today, what caused her demise?
These questions were posed by a Japanese writer, Yashiko Sagamori. Only the most revisionist adherent of the Palestinian narrative could even attempt to answer her queries. Pose these same questions regarding Israel and Jewish connection to this land, and except for the willfully blind and delusional -- of which, admittedly, there are many, each can be factually answered.
At no time in history has there ever been a nation called Palestine. During the Ottoman Empire, which lasted from 1299-1922 CE, the land dubbed by the Romans as Palestine was controlled by the Turks; there was never an outcry for a Palestinian State then. During the illegal annexation of Judea and Samaria by the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan subsequent to the 1949 Armistice and prior to 1967, there was never talk of "occupied territory" or a Palestinian State. Why did the dynamic change subsequent to Israel's glorious victory in the Six-Day War -- a conflict unprovoked by Israel?
Search as you will -- throughout the annals of history, Israel is the only nation victorious in war on successive occasions and then expected by the vanquished and the world at large to sue for peace, to cede land she reclaimed that was historically hers to begin with. It raises the question: which of the "Quartet" cajoling Israel to acquiesce to Palestinian demands should be allowed land won in conflict?
The Russians? It's beyond the scope of this essay to delve into their inglorious, extensive imperialist history and their oppression of native peoples, but as one example, isn't it time they relinquish the Kuril Islands to the Japanese? The Second World War has been over for 67 years.
The same holds true for my favorite imperialists, the British, who never miss an opportunity to castigate the Jewish State but somehow fail to look at their own sordid history. Just this past week, they proudly announced sending a sophisticated warship 7,700 miles into the South Atlantic to dissuade Argentina from re-establishing sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, which lie just 250 miles off Argentina's coast. Why are the Falkland Islands controlled by the British to begin with? Historically, doesn't Argentina, which controlled these islands until 1830, have a greater claim to them?
For that matter, when will the British finally relinquish Gibraltar to its "rightful owner," Spain?
Likewise, if not for hundreds of years of British tyranny and greater military strength, wouldn't Northern Ireland be part of the Republic of Ireland?
What about the United States? Let's face it: if they had more sticks and stones than we do, wouldn't Mexico wrest back the American Southwest and all its resources? Basically, wasn't all this land stolen by the harsh dictates of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? Why is there such uproar over illegal immigration in the United States? After all, when Mexicans sneak across the border, in effect, aren't they just practicing "the right of return"?
Unquestionably, with the exception of the United States, it was from countries like these that Jews in Diaspora were forced to escape repression and rejoin their coreligionists who maintained a three-thousand-year continuous existence in Judea, Samaria, and the outlying areas.
Does might make right? With exceptions made against Israel, it seems to. The Jewish people were driven out of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria by the Babylonians. They returned to their homeland and rebuilt the Second Temple only to have it burned again, this time by Romans, and to be once again exiled from their land.
Despite 27 invasions and conquests subsequent to the Grand Monarchy of Kings David and Solomon, Jews have always had a contiguous connection to this land. Only in the minds of the disparaging and the uninitiated did she ever relinquish it. If not the land of Israel, where are Jews from? Poland? The Ukraine? Russia? Only hateful revisionists such as Helen Thomas, Mel Gibson, Oliver Stone, and some sanctimonious loonies with Ph.D.s inculcating our kids with venom believe that.
As to the other detractors of Israel in the EU and the U.N., I ask the following questions. Who legitimately owns Alsace-Lorraine -- the Germans or the French? It's changed hands so many times over the past five hundred years that no one has a clue. What's Turkey doing in Northern Cyprus? Where is the world uproar over China's occupation of Tibet, East Turkestan, Inner Mongolia, and Manchuria?
We can go on and on and on with this. Certainly the Jewish people have at least as great a legitimate claim to their historic homeland than any of these other nations, and certainly more so than the so-called Palestinian Arabs do.
Why are the rules of international relations being changed for Israel? Is it because after thousands of years, the world at large can't bear to see the Jewish people once again in charge of their own land and their own destiny?
Monday, February 13, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Prayers for Israel
I know that some people who are going to read
this are not Christians and do not follow Yeshua HaMashiach. My Jewish brothers
and sisters will not be praying in the name of Jesus,
But we are all praying to the same Almighty God -
the Almighty ADONAI, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
Jacob. Because we are praying to the same God, I am sure that we can agree with
the prayer and not debate the way we pray and communicate with The Lord God
Father God in the Name of Jesus I ask that you
forgive my sins. In the name of Jesus, I thank you for that forgiveness. Lord
God in the name of Jesus, I pray to you for the nation, state, land, and people
of Israel. The enemy surrounds the Nation of Israel. This is an enemy that
lives to destroy Israel and wipe Israel off the face of the earth. This enemy
has sworn to eliminate the Jewish people. In Jesus name, we ask for your
protection of all of Israel.
We ask Lord that all of the people of Israel, all
the Israelis are surrounded by your hedge of protection, no matter where the
Jewish people are in this world. We ask that no weapons that are brought
against Israel be successful in any way. All weapons that are brought against
Israel will fail in the hands of the enemy that seeks the destruction of
Israel. Thank you Lord for your protection.
Lord God We put before you all the land of
Israel, which has been promised by you in Your Holy Word.
In Jesus name, we ask that you, Lord, protect all
the land of Israel. From the northern border to the southern boarder. From the
eastern border to the sea. We ask for the protection of your Holy Spirit for
all the land of Israel. That from this day forward not one bomb, rocket,
bullet, knife, arrow, or rock, be successfully brought against the land and
people of Israel. Thank you; Lord, for your protection.
Lord God, we put before you the Israeli
government, and the politicians, and all the offices of the government from the
lowest to the highest. Any and all who make up the nation of Israel, including
all who are in service in the defense of Israel. We ask that you will keep them
strong and sure. We ask that all will be vigilant and insightful; we ask that
all will be intelligent and informed; we ask that your Spirit will lead all,
knowingly and unknowingly. Lord God, we ask that your Spirit lead all the
Israeli government so your will is done in Israel and you shall be glorified by
all of Israel. Thank you; Lord, for your Spirit in Israel.
Dear Lord, the Almighty ADONAI, we ask that all
the riches and security that you promise in you Holy Word be delivered to
Israel this day as we pray. Lord we ask that you open the floodgates of heaven
and pour down the blessings from your mighty kingdom untold in our day. We pray
Lord that your blessing will flow into and upon all of Israel, so much so that
Israel will become the richest nation on earth, with wealth that astound the
world, and that the world will know that You are the God of Israel and you
bless Israel with all that you are, and You will protect Israel from all enemies.
Almighty Lord the enemies of Israel have come
against Israel and the Israeli people in the media. They have distorted the
truth about Israel, and they have twisted the words of people, groups, and
governments. They have used your holy word out of its context to make Israel
look bad in the eyes of the world so that Israel’s allies would turn against
you and Israel. Dear Lord, we ask that You will vindicate Israel in the media
and show the world the lies and deceitfulness of the enemies of Israel so that
anything the enemy says in the future is never believed again. We pray, Lord,
that they will be denuded for the entire world to see their evil intent and
Almighty Lord, we pray for the senior citizens of
Israel, as they can no longer defend themselves with weapons. However they have
the ability to have weaponless hands of prayer. May they be like Moses, Aaron,
and Hur when they were all octogenarians who went up to the top of mountains at
Rephidim and stayed there interceding for the Israelite army led by Joshua in
battle against the Amalekits and defeated them, giving the Israelites total
victory. We pray, Lord, that this day as the Israeli senior citizens intercede
for Israel that You will hear their cry and give Israel the total victory.
Lord, we pray that all of us, Jewish and
Christian alike, would be as Caleb. The Lord God Almighty said in
Numbers 14:24, “My servant Caleb has a different
spirit and follows me wholeheartedly.” As a result of this devotion to God,
Caleb was able to subdue, dispose, and defeat the enemies of Israel, and he was
given the land called Hebron (Joshua 14: 15).
Then the land had a rest from war. Dear Lord, we
pray that all of Israel will have a rest from war, and we pray that the peace
of the Spirit will flow through all of Jerusalem and unto all of Israel.
Lord, we know in our hearts that Israel’s
greatest days are ahead of Her and Your Glory and Majesty will be seen there by
the whole earth. Bless Israel, we pray.
Lord God the Almighty, we pray that you would
stand against all the enemies of Israel. We ask You Lord, that you will protect
all of Israel with the whole of Your Kingdom and send your angels to defend and
protect the people of Israel. Dear God, we pray that you will cause the earth
itself to come against the enemies of Israel. We pray that the wind will come
against all the enemies of Israel. We pray that all the waters of the earth
will come against the enemies is Israel. We pray that the weather will come
against the enemies of Israel. Lord, we pray that the fires of the earth will
come against the enemies of Israel. Lord we pray that plague and poverty come
against the enemies of Israel. We pray that confusion and calamity will come to
the enemies of Israel and that they will fight one another and not attack
Israel so the land and people of Israel can live in peace and glorify The God
of Israel. . (If you think this is a little strong I want you read the
Book of Zechariah)
We know in our hearts oh Lord
Our God is all-powerful
(Jeremiah 32:26-27)
Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah
“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is
anything too hard for me?
We know in our hearts oh Lord.
Our God is ever present
(Psalm 139:7- 12)
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven you are there;
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold you are there.
If I take the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest parts of the sea, even
there your hand will lead me and your right hand will lay hold of me.
If I say,” surely the darkness will overwhelm me
and the light around me will be night,”
Even the darkness is not dark to you and the
night is as bright as day, Darkness and light are alike to you.
We know in our hearts oh Lord.
Our God is All-knowing
(1 John 3:19-20)
This then is how we know that we belong to the
truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in His presence whenever our hearts
condemn us. For God is greater then our hearts, and he knows everything.
Father God we pray this prayer, for this battle
has to be fought every day because evil doesn’t recede willingly. We know,
Lord, that the battle cannot be won without you. You are our source and
protector and because of that fact, we pray for the peace, security, and
protection of all of Jerusalem and Israel.
We glorify your holy name and give praise to you.
In Jesus name we pray,
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