Can WikiLeaks find and release:
(1) Obama’s birth certificate clearly showing his current actual name, the race of his father and mother, and his father’s actual name.
(2) Obama’s college transcripts — which are believed to be those of a D and F student who used affirmative action and an exotic pedigree to get Ivy League degrees without having a GPA high enough for any honors societies like Phi Beta Kappa
(3) Obama’s 1980s passport documents explaining how he was able to go to Pakistan with a male friend when US citizens were forbidden from going there
(4) Obama’s 2008 correspondence and quid pro quo deals with South Carolina black leaders pre-Super Tuesday in which he promised Black Reparations in the form of the Pigford Settlement in exchange for black support in the primary…and racial attacks against the Clintons to guarantee Obama the Democrat nomination
(5) A valid explanation for why the Obamas’ law licenses were taken away from them
(6) Documentation pertaining to Obama’s pay-to-play $10,000 bribe from Yesse Yehudah in Chicago back in 1998, where he got Yehudah a $75,000 grant from the state in exchange for Yehudah giving him $10,000 as a kickback from that pot
(7) Obama’s connections to the mysterious deaths of gay black men at Trinity United Church of Christ while Jeremiah Wright was the pastor there
(8) A list of anyone — ANYONE — who was friends with Obama at any time in his life
(9) The names of any women — ANY WOMEN — whom Obama dated before marrying Michelle Antoinette
(10) The exact amount of money Michelle Antoinette spends as First Spouse on all of her lavish parties, trips, and other misadventures
That’s just ten, right off the top of my head.
What can you think of?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
How Do You Look At Things
One 82-year-old lady loves Obama and she may have a very good point. She says that Obama is amazing, and is rebuilding the American dream! She gives us an entirely new slant on the "amazing" job Obama is doing, and she says that she will thank God for the President. Keep reading for her additional comments and an explanation.When discussing Obama, she says:1. Obama destroyed the Clinton Political Machine, driving a stake through the heart of Hillary's presidential aspirations - something no Republican was ever able to do.2. Obama killed off the Kennedy Dynasty - no more Kennedys trolling Washington looking for booze and women wanting rides home.3. Obama is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes! Dennis Moore had never lost a race. Evan Bayh had never lost a race. Byron Dorgan had never lost a race. Harry Reid - soon to be GONE! These are just a handful of the Democrats whose political careers Obama has destroyed. By the end of 2010, dozens more will be gone. Just think, in December of 2008 the Democrats were on the rise. In the last two election cycles, they had picked up 14 Senate seats and 52 House seats. The press was touting the death of the Conservative Movement and the Republican Party. However, in just one year, Obama put a stop to all of this and will probably give the House - if not the Senate - back to the Republicans.4. Obama has completely exposed liberals and progressives for what they are. Sadly, every generation seems to need to re-learn the lesson on why they should never actually put liberals in charge. Obama is bringing home the lesson very well: Liberals tax, borrow and spend. Liberals won't bring themselves to protect America . Liberals want to take over the economy.Liberals think they know what is best for everyone.Liberals are not happy until they are running YOUR life.5. Obama has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone since Reagan. In one year, he has rejuvenated the Conservative Movement and brought out to the streets millions of freedom loving Americans. Name one other time when you saw your friends and neighbors this interested in taking back America!6. Obama, with his "amazing leadership," has sparked the greatest period of sales of firearms and ammunition this country has seen. Law abiding citizens have rallied and have provided a "stimulus" to the sporting goodsfield while other industries have failed, faded, or moved off-shore.7. In all honesty, one year ago I was more afraid than I have been in my life. Not afraid of the economy, but afraid of the direction our country was going. I thought, Americans have forgotten what this country is all about. My neighbors and friends, even strangers, have proved to me that my lack of confidence in the greatness and wisdom of the American people has been flat wrong.8. When the American people wake up, no smooth talking teleprompter reader can fool them! Barack Obama has served to wake up these great Americans!Again, I want to say: "Thank you, Barack Obama!" After all, this is exactly the kind of hope and change we desperately needed!! November 2nd is HUGE!!!!
Author Unknown
But I love Them
One 82-year-old lady loves Obama and she may have a very good point. She says that Obama is amazing, and is rebuilding the American dream! She gives us an entirely new slant on the "amazing" job Obama is doing, and she says that she will thank God for the President. Keep reading for her additional comments and an explanation.When discussing Obama, she says:1. Obama destroyed the Clinton Political Machine, driving a stake through the heart of Hillary's presidential aspirations - something no Republican was ever able to do.2. Obama killed off the Kennedy Dynasty - no more Kennedys trolling Washington looking for booze and women wanting rides home.3. Obama is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes! Dennis Moore had never lost a race. Evan Bayh had never lost a race. Byron Dorgan had never lost a race. Harry Reid - soon to be GONE! These are just a handful of the Democrats whose political careers Obama has destroyed. By the end of 2010, dozens more will be gone. Just think, in December of 2008 the Democrats were on the rise. In the last two election cycles, they had picked up 14 Senate seats and 52 House seats. The press was touting the death of the Conservative Movement and the Republican Party. However, in just one year, Obama put a stop to all of this and will probably give the House - if not the Senate - back to the Republicans.4. Obama has completely exposed liberals and progressives for what they are. Sadly, every generation seems to need to re-learn the lesson on why they should never actually put liberals in charge. Obama is bringing home the lesson very well: Liberals tax, borrow and spend. Liberals won't bring themselves to protect America . Liberals want to take over the economy.Liberals think they know what is best for everyone.Liberals are not happy until they are running YOUR life.5. Obama has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone since Reagan. In one year, he has rejuvenated the Conservative Movement and brought out to the streets millions of freedom loving Americans. Name one other time when you saw your friends and neighbors this interested in taking back America!6. Obama, with his "amazing leadership," has sparked the greatest period of sales of firearms and ammunition this country has seen. Law abiding citizens have rallied and have provided a "stimulus" to the sporting goodsfield while other industries have failed, faded, or moved off-shore.7. In all honesty, one year ago I was more afraid than I have been in my life. Not afraid of the economy, but afraid of the direction our country was going. I thought, Americans have forgotten what this country is all about. My neighbors and friends, even strangers, have proved to me that my lack of confidence in the greatness and wisdom of the American people has been flat wrong.8. When the American people wake up, no smooth talking teleprompter reader can fool them! Barack Obama has served to wake up these great Americans!Again, I want to say: "Thank you, Barack Obama!" After all, this is exactly the kind of hope and change we desperately needed!! November 2nd is HUGE!!!!
Author Unknown
But I love Them
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
7 Things The Establishment Gets Wrong About The Tea Party
John Hawkins
Town Hall
You can barely look at a political website these days without reading a post about the Tea Party movement. Of course, we've heard plenty from liberals. "They're fascist-racist KKK-Nazis!" The Rockefeller Republicans have tut-tutted their opinions from the cocktail circuit as well, "Egads! Some of these people look as if they shop at Wal-Mart!"
However, there are plenty of old school Republicans who don't hate the Tea Party movement per se; they simply don't understand it. So, let's talk about some of the perceptions the establishment Republicans have about the Tea Party movement and why they're mistaken.
The Tea Partiers have a radical agenda! This oft made charge is extremely odd. After all, what are the issues that keep coming up over and over and over when you talk to Tea Partiers? They want to get spending under control, fear that the federal government is getting too big, and they want to stick to the Constitution.
Not only are none of those radical beliefs, the overwhelming majority of politicians in BOTH parties would agree in principle with all 3 items. The most controversial one would be about the government getting too big, but even Bill Clinton said, "The era of big government is over." So maybe the real problem isn't that the Tea Party is "radical." Maybe it's that America's political class has become so comfortable with lying and double talk that telling the truth has started to seem "radical" to them.
These Tea Partiers don't believe in compromise! Tea Partiers believe in compromise, just not what passes for "compromise" in D.C. these days. You see, "compromise" in Washington seems to consist of giving liberals almost everything they want as a starting point and then negotiating how far, if at all, to move from there.
Even when Republicans are in charge, what do we see? Spending goes up, the government still gets bigger, and the Constitution is still ignored. Here's an idea: How about we decide that we're going to stick to the Constitution, dramatically cut spending, and severely curtail the size of government as a starting point? Then, we can negotiate from there about how big of a win we’re going to have instead of conceding ground to the Left on every issue.
The Tea Party is driving away moderates! One of the biggest myths in politics is that moderate candidates are almost always more electable than conservative candidates. Sure, some moderates are more electable than conservatives and vice-versa, but when you look at poll numbers, it's amazing how often the supposedly unelectable conservative candidate does just as well as the moderate, if not better.
The reason why that's true is because the media environment has changed. People are now flooded with information, much of which they consider unreliable. But, if their neighbor says it, a blog they like runs the story, or their favorite talk show host puts it out there, then they buy into it.
Inevitably, it's conservative candidates, not lukewarm moderates, who get people excited and produce that sort of powerful grassroots reaction. Many establishment Republicans will instinctively dismiss what I've just said, but this is the year of fired up Tea Partiers, and where are Independents leaning? They're supporting the GOP 2-to-1.
Do you think that's because of the scintillating moderation of Olympia Snowe or because they're hungry for more John McCain? Please! It's because the Democrats are baiting the hook by doing such a lousy job and the excitement generated by the Tea Party movement is helping to reel the independents in, not frighten them off.
The Tea Party is knocking off important Republicans we need in D.C.! Time and time again after the Tea Partiers have knocked off establishment Republicans, the losers have proven they never cared about anything other than their jobs in the first place. Arlen Specter switched parties. Charlie Crist ran as an independent. Lisa Murkowski is running a write-in campaign. Dede Scozzafava endorsed a Democrat. Mike Castle refused to endorse Christine O'Donnell. Bob Inglis and Bob Bennett mouthed off about conservatives after they lost.
So tell me: why should anyone be sorry that a mediocre, disloyal group of career politicians, who don't care about anything other than their cushy jobs, aren't going to be in D.C.?
These Tea Partiers are just Republicans who will fall in line once the GOP gets power again! Right now, the Tea Party movement is primarily benefiting the Republican Party. Yet, what you find if you talk to Tea Partiers is that if you're a Republican in D.C. and your name isn't Jim DeMint or Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party movement probably doesn't like you very much and they definitely don't trust you.
Put another way, the Tea Partiers are JUST WAITING for the GOP to blow it. The moment it does, the Tea Partiers will land on it with both feet. Some people might think that's unfair, but it's a natural reaction to the Bush years, when the Republican Party talked incessantly about fiscal responsibility even as it expanded government and increased spending. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and you join Arlen Specter and Mike Castle in the unemployment line.
These Tea Partiers don't understand how politics works! Granted, there are plenty of people at Tea Parties who aren't all that hooked into politics. Additionally, it's fair to say that some of the candidates the Tea Party has backed have turned out to be duds.
Of course, the same could be said of the establishment. Remember Dede Scozzafava? And how about that Charlie Crist? Moreover, just look at Bush's second term. Amnesty was pushed for illegal aliens -- more than once. Look at the bungled reaction to the bad press after Katrina. What kind of job was done on the Iraq war messaging? Did it really make sense to push Harriet Miers? How well did the Dubai Port fiasco turn out politically? How's TARP looking today?
The fact of the matter is that the Republican establishment's political judgment over the last few years has been simply atrocious. If the question is, “Who has had a better grasp of politics -- the bloggers, talk radio hosts and Tea Partiers, or the GOP establishment and consultant class?” -- the answer is the former. Perhaps that shouldn't be the case, but the D.C. bubble has a funny way of turning razor sharp political minds into piles of mush the size of Barack Obama’s ego.
These Tea Partiers just want to say "no" to everything! Right now, our country is like a car that's heading toward a cliff at 100 mph and the people in charge want to simultaneously speed up and cut the brake lines. Are we supposed to say, "Why don’t we meet you in the middle? Cut the brake lines, slow it down to 55 mph, and we'll stop all our backseat complaining about that cliff. Deal?"
If we want to save the American dream, we have to say "no.” If we want to stop this country from going bankrupt, we have to say "no." If we want future generations of Americans to have a chance to live in the same great country we grew up in, we have to say "no."
That doesn't mean the Tea Party isn't willing to say "yes" on issues that help pull the country back from the brink. Put a balanced budget amendment, term limits, and a repeal of Obamacare on the agenda and watch how quickly Tea Partiers say "yes." But, until we get the barrel of the gun out of this country's mouth, we have to keep saying "no" when we're asked for handfuls of bullets.
Town Hall
You can barely look at a political website these days without reading a post about the Tea Party movement. Of course, we've heard plenty from liberals. "They're fascist-racist KKK-Nazis!" The Rockefeller Republicans have tut-tutted their opinions from the cocktail circuit as well, "Egads! Some of these people look as if they shop at Wal-Mart!"
However, there are plenty of old school Republicans who don't hate the Tea Party movement per se; they simply don't understand it. So, let's talk about some of the perceptions the establishment Republicans have about the Tea Party movement and why they're mistaken.
The Tea Partiers have a radical agenda! This oft made charge is extremely odd. After all, what are the issues that keep coming up over and over and over when you talk to Tea Partiers? They want to get spending under control, fear that the federal government is getting too big, and they want to stick to the Constitution.
Not only are none of those radical beliefs, the overwhelming majority of politicians in BOTH parties would agree in principle with all 3 items. The most controversial one would be about the government getting too big, but even Bill Clinton said, "The era of big government is over." So maybe the real problem isn't that the Tea Party is "radical." Maybe it's that America's political class has become so comfortable with lying and double talk that telling the truth has started to seem "radical" to them.
These Tea Partiers don't believe in compromise! Tea Partiers believe in compromise, just not what passes for "compromise" in D.C. these days. You see, "compromise" in Washington seems to consist of giving liberals almost everything they want as a starting point and then negotiating how far, if at all, to move from there.
Even when Republicans are in charge, what do we see? Spending goes up, the government still gets bigger, and the Constitution is still ignored. Here's an idea: How about we decide that we're going to stick to the Constitution, dramatically cut spending, and severely curtail the size of government as a starting point? Then, we can negotiate from there about how big of a win we’re going to have instead of conceding ground to the Left on every issue.
The Tea Party is driving away moderates! One of the biggest myths in politics is that moderate candidates are almost always more electable than conservative candidates. Sure, some moderates are more electable than conservatives and vice-versa, but when you look at poll numbers, it's amazing how often the supposedly unelectable conservative candidate does just as well as the moderate, if not better.
The reason why that's true is because the media environment has changed. People are now flooded with information, much of which they consider unreliable. But, if their neighbor says it, a blog they like runs the story, or their favorite talk show host puts it out there, then they buy into it.
Inevitably, it's conservative candidates, not lukewarm moderates, who get people excited and produce that sort of powerful grassroots reaction. Many establishment Republicans will instinctively dismiss what I've just said, but this is the year of fired up Tea Partiers, and where are Independents leaning? They're supporting the GOP 2-to-1.
Do you think that's because of the scintillating moderation of Olympia Snowe or because they're hungry for more John McCain? Please! It's because the Democrats are baiting the hook by doing such a lousy job and the excitement generated by the Tea Party movement is helping to reel the independents in, not frighten them off.
The Tea Party is knocking off important Republicans we need in D.C.! Time and time again after the Tea Partiers have knocked off establishment Republicans, the losers have proven they never cared about anything other than their jobs in the first place. Arlen Specter switched parties. Charlie Crist ran as an independent. Lisa Murkowski is running a write-in campaign. Dede Scozzafava endorsed a Democrat. Mike Castle refused to endorse Christine O'Donnell. Bob Inglis and Bob Bennett mouthed off about conservatives after they lost.
So tell me: why should anyone be sorry that a mediocre, disloyal group of career politicians, who don't care about anything other than their cushy jobs, aren't going to be in D.C.?
These Tea Partiers are just Republicans who will fall in line once the GOP gets power again! Right now, the Tea Party movement is primarily benefiting the Republican Party. Yet, what you find if you talk to Tea Partiers is that if you're a Republican in D.C. and your name isn't Jim DeMint or Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party movement probably doesn't like you very much and they definitely don't trust you.
Put another way, the Tea Partiers are JUST WAITING for the GOP to blow it. The moment it does, the Tea Partiers will land on it with both feet. Some people might think that's unfair, but it's a natural reaction to the Bush years, when the Republican Party talked incessantly about fiscal responsibility even as it expanded government and increased spending. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and you join Arlen Specter and Mike Castle in the unemployment line.
These Tea Partiers don't understand how politics works! Granted, there are plenty of people at Tea Parties who aren't all that hooked into politics. Additionally, it's fair to say that some of the candidates the Tea Party has backed have turned out to be duds.
Of course, the same could be said of the establishment. Remember Dede Scozzafava? And how about that Charlie Crist? Moreover, just look at Bush's second term. Amnesty was pushed for illegal aliens -- more than once. Look at the bungled reaction to the bad press after Katrina. What kind of job was done on the Iraq war messaging? Did it really make sense to push Harriet Miers? How well did the Dubai Port fiasco turn out politically? How's TARP looking today?
The fact of the matter is that the Republican establishment's political judgment over the last few years has been simply atrocious. If the question is, “Who has had a better grasp of politics -- the bloggers, talk radio hosts and Tea Partiers, or the GOP establishment and consultant class?” -- the answer is the former. Perhaps that shouldn't be the case, but the D.C. bubble has a funny way of turning razor sharp political minds into piles of mush the size of Barack Obama’s ego.
These Tea Partiers just want to say "no" to everything! Right now, our country is like a car that's heading toward a cliff at 100 mph and the people in charge want to simultaneously speed up and cut the brake lines. Are we supposed to say, "Why don’t we meet you in the middle? Cut the brake lines, slow it down to 55 mph, and we'll stop all our backseat complaining about that cliff. Deal?"
If we want to save the American dream, we have to say "no.” If we want to stop this country from going bankrupt, we have to say "no." If we want future generations of Americans to have a chance to live in the same great country we grew up in, we have to say "no."
That doesn't mean the Tea Party isn't willing to say "yes" on issues that help pull the country back from the brink. Put a balanced budget amendment, term limits, and a repeal of Obamacare on the agenda and watch how quickly Tea Partiers say "yes." But, until we get the barrel of the gun out of this country's mouth, we have to keep saying "no" when we're asked for handfuls of bullets.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Who's sorry now??
Does it make you feel uneasy that at the end of this president's four years in office Sarah Palin will STILL have more experience, and ability to govern then Mr. Oboma
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Send a letter to (YOUR) congress
August 5, 2010
Dear Representative Coffman ,
Dear Senator Udall,
Dear Senator Bennet,
Dear Member of Congress,
I continue to hear rumors about a potential "Lame Duck" session that could be held right after the November elections and before the new Congress is sworn-in.
I fear that despite a very different political make-up in Congress, elements of the far Left will view this as their last chance to enact threats to our liberty including:
1. The Cap and Trade Energy Tax Hike
2. Another "Stimulus" Bailout Scheme
3. More Tax Hikes at a Time when we can scarcely afford them
4. Push Card Check through Congress, giving the unions even more power
This would go directly against the will of the people - having had their say in the November Elections - and I urge you to oppose it as the worst kind of political, dirty-trick.
Should a lame duck session surface, I will be watching your vote very closely on cap and trade, additional taxpayer-funded bailouts, any attempts to increase taxes, and any other policy proposals that erode more of our freedoms and expand the reach of government.
Mr. Steven Rago
4906 Red Rock Dr
Larkspur, CO 80118-9055
Dear Representative Coffman ,
Dear Senator Udall,
Dear Senator Bennet,
Dear Member of Congress,
I continue to hear rumors about a potential "Lame Duck" session that could be held right after the November elections and before the new Congress is sworn-in.
I fear that despite a very different political make-up in Congress, elements of the far Left will view this as their last chance to enact threats to our liberty including:
1. The Cap and Trade Energy Tax Hike
2. Another "Stimulus" Bailout Scheme
3. More Tax Hikes at a Time when we can scarcely afford them
4. Push Card Check through Congress, giving the unions even more power
This would go directly against the will of the people - having had their say in the November Elections - and I urge you to oppose it as the worst kind of political, dirty-trick.
Should a lame duck session surface, I will be watching your vote very closely on cap and trade, additional taxpayer-funded bailouts, any attempts to increase taxes, and any other policy proposals that erode more of our freedoms and expand the reach of government.
Mr. Steven Rago
4906 Red Rock Dr
Larkspur, CO 80118-9055
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Second American Revolution
IBD Editorials
Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution?
Posted 06:30 PM ET
The Internet is a large-scale version of the "Committees of Correspondence" that led to the first American Revolution — and with Washington's failings now so obvious and awful, it may lead to another.
People are asking, "Is the government doing us more harm than good? Should we change what it does and the way it does it?"
Pruning the power of government begins with the imperial presidency.
Too many overreaching laws give the president too much discretion to make too many open-ended rules controlling too many aspects of our lives. There's no end to the harm an out-of-control president can do.
Bill Clinton lowered the culture, moral tone and strength of the nation — and left America vulnerable to attack. When it came, George W. Bush stood up for America, albeit sometimes clumsily.
Barack Obama, however, has pulled off the ultimate switcheroo: He's diminishing America from within — so far, successfully.
He may soon bankrupt us and replace our big merit-based capitalist economy with a small government-directed one of his own design.
He is undermining our constitutional traditions: The rule of law and our Anglo-Saxon concepts of private property hang in the balance. Obama may be the most "consequential" president ever.
The Wall Street Journal's steadfast Dorothy Rabinowitz wrote that Barack Obama is "an alien in the White House."
His bullying and offenses against the economy and job creation are so outrageous that CEOs in the Business Roundtable finally mustered the courage to call him "anti-business." Veteran Democrat Sen. Max Baucus blurted out that Obama is engineering the biggest government-forced "redistribution of income" in history.
Fear and uncertainty stalk the land. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke says America's financial future is "unusually uncertain."
A Wall Street "fear gauge" based on predicted market volatility is flashing long-term panic. New data on the federal budget confirm that record-setting deficits in the $1.4 trillion range are now endemic.
Obama is building an imperium of public debt and crushing taxes, contrary to George Washington's wise farewell admonition: "cherish public credit ... use it as sparingly as possible ... avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt ... bear in mind, that towards the payment of debts there must be Revenue, that to have Revenue there must be taxes; that no taxes can be devised, which are not ... inconvenient and unpleasant ... ."
Opinion polls suggest that in the November mid-term elections, voters will replace the present Democratic majority in Congress with opposition Republicans — but that will not necessarily stop Obama.
A President Obama intent on achieving his transformative goals despite the disagreement of the American people has powerful weapons within reach. In one hand, he will have a veto pen to stop a new Republican Congress from repealing ObamaCare and the Dodd-Frank takeover of banks.
In the other, he will have a fistful of executive orders, regulations and Obama-made fiats that have the force of law.
Under ObamaCare, he can issue new rules and regulations so insidiously powerful in their effect that higher-priced, lower-quality and rationed health care will quickly become ingrained, leaving a permanent stain.
Under Dodd-Frank, he and his agents will control all credit and financial transactions, rewarding friends and punishing opponents, discriminating on the basis of race, gender and political affiliation. Credit and liquidity may be choked by bureaucracy and politics — and the economy will suffer.
He and the EPA may try to impose by "regulatory" fiats many parts of the cap-and-trade and other climate legislation that failed in the Congress.
And by executive orders and the in terrorem effect of an industrywide "boot on the neck" policy, he can continue to diminish energy production in the United States.
By the trick of letting current-law tax rates "expire," he can impose a $3.5 trillion 10-year tax increase that damages job-creating capital investment in an economy struggling to recover. And by failing to enforce the law and leaving America's borders open, he can continue to repopulate America with unfortunate illegals whose skill and education levels are low and whose political attitudes are often not congenial to American-style democracy.
A wounded rampaging president can do much damage — and, like Caesar, the evil he does will live long after he leaves office, whenever that may be.
The overgrown, un-pruned power of the presidency to reward, punish and intimidate may now be so overwhelming that his re-election in 2012 is already assured — Chicago-style.
• Christian, an attorney, was a deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Ford administration.
• Robbins, an economist, served at the Treasury Department in the Reagan administration.
Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution?
Posted 06:30 PM ET
The Internet is a large-scale version of the "Committees of Correspondence" that led to the first American Revolution — and with Washington's failings now so obvious and awful, it may lead to another.
People are asking, "Is the government doing us more harm than good? Should we change what it does and the way it does it?"
Pruning the power of government begins with the imperial presidency.
Too many overreaching laws give the president too much discretion to make too many open-ended rules controlling too many aspects of our lives. There's no end to the harm an out-of-control president can do.
Bill Clinton lowered the culture, moral tone and strength of the nation — and left America vulnerable to attack. When it came, George W. Bush stood up for America, albeit sometimes clumsily.
Barack Obama, however, has pulled off the ultimate switcheroo: He's diminishing America from within — so far, successfully.
He may soon bankrupt us and replace our big merit-based capitalist economy with a small government-directed one of his own design.
He is undermining our constitutional traditions: The rule of law and our Anglo-Saxon concepts of private property hang in the balance. Obama may be the most "consequential" president ever.
The Wall Street Journal's steadfast Dorothy Rabinowitz wrote that Barack Obama is "an alien in the White House."
His bullying and offenses against the economy and job creation are so outrageous that CEOs in the Business Roundtable finally mustered the courage to call him "anti-business." Veteran Democrat Sen. Max Baucus blurted out that Obama is engineering the biggest government-forced "redistribution of income" in history.
Fear and uncertainty stalk the land. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke says America's financial future is "unusually uncertain."
A Wall Street "fear gauge" based on predicted market volatility is flashing long-term panic. New data on the federal budget confirm that record-setting deficits in the $1.4 trillion range are now endemic.
Obama is building an imperium of public debt and crushing taxes, contrary to George Washington's wise farewell admonition: "cherish public credit ... use it as sparingly as possible ... avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt ... bear in mind, that towards the payment of debts there must be Revenue, that to have Revenue there must be taxes; that no taxes can be devised, which are not ... inconvenient and unpleasant ... ."
Opinion polls suggest that in the November mid-term elections, voters will replace the present Democratic majority in Congress with opposition Republicans — but that will not necessarily stop Obama.
A President Obama intent on achieving his transformative goals despite the disagreement of the American people has powerful weapons within reach. In one hand, he will have a veto pen to stop a new Republican Congress from repealing ObamaCare and the Dodd-Frank takeover of banks.
In the other, he will have a fistful of executive orders, regulations and Obama-made fiats that have the force of law.
Under ObamaCare, he can issue new rules and regulations so insidiously powerful in their effect that higher-priced, lower-quality and rationed health care will quickly become ingrained, leaving a permanent stain.
Under Dodd-Frank, he and his agents will control all credit and financial transactions, rewarding friends and punishing opponents, discriminating on the basis of race, gender and political affiliation. Credit and liquidity may be choked by bureaucracy and politics — and the economy will suffer.
He and the EPA may try to impose by "regulatory" fiats many parts of the cap-and-trade and other climate legislation that failed in the Congress.
And by executive orders and the in terrorem effect of an industrywide "boot on the neck" policy, he can continue to diminish energy production in the United States.
By the trick of letting current-law tax rates "expire," he can impose a $3.5 trillion 10-year tax increase that damages job-creating capital investment in an economy struggling to recover. And by failing to enforce the law and leaving America's borders open, he can continue to repopulate America with unfortunate illegals whose skill and education levels are low and whose political attitudes are often not congenial to American-style democracy.
A wounded rampaging president can do much damage — and, like Caesar, the evil he does will live long after he leaves office, whenever that may be.
The overgrown, un-pruned power of the presidency to reward, punish and intimidate may now be so overwhelming that his re-election in 2012 is already assured — Chicago-style.
• Christian, an attorney, was a deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Ford administration.
• Robbins, an economist, served at the Treasury Department in the Reagan administration.
Friday, July 16, 2010
New fax to the white house sent 16 July 2010
President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Obama:
It is absolutely outrageous that you are calling for multiple amnesties when so many Americans are unemployed! What are you thinking?
15 million Americans are out of work at a time when 8 million illegal aliens have jobs. It seems you have little respect for these unemployed Americans and cannot be bothered with their plight. Millions of American families are having trouble paying their mortgage or rent and putting food on the table, but you are more concerned with helping individuals who have stolen American jobs and broken American laws and catering to the special interest groups that would benefit from amnesty.
Your call for three separate amnesties (comprehensive, DREAM, and AgJOBS) and an increase in the number of foreign workers is absolutely appalling and shows a lack of compassion for less fortunate Americans. I urge you to prove you care about all Americans by changing your pro-amnesty stance work to reduce, not increase, the number of foreign workers competing against unemployed Americans.
Unable to comprehend your actions,
Mr. Steven Rago
I know what I think
Impeach then deport ASAP
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Obama:
It is absolutely outrageous that you are calling for multiple amnesties when so many Americans are unemployed! What are you thinking?
15 million Americans are out of work at a time when 8 million illegal aliens have jobs. It seems you have little respect for these unemployed Americans and cannot be bothered with their plight. Millions of American families are having trouble paying their mortgage or rent and putting food on the table, but you are more concerned with helping individuals who have stolen American jobs and broken American laws and catering to the special interest groups that would benefit from amnesty.
Your call for three separate amnesties (comprehensive, DREAM, and AgJOBS) and an increase in the number of foreign workers is absolutely appalling and shows a lack of compassion for less fortunate Americans. I urge you to prove you care about all Americans by changing your pro-amnesty stance work to reduce, not increase, the number of foreign workers competing against unemployed Americans.
Unable to comprehend your actions,
Mr. Steven Rago
I know what I think
Impeach then deport ASAP
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
My fax to the White House
President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, DC 20500
President Obama:
I cannot believe you and your administration have decided to side with illegal aliens and anti-American worker interest groups and oppose Arizona's new immigration enforcement law. Whose interests are you supposed to protect: those of Americans and legal immigrants or those of illegal aliens who broke the law to come here?
You ran on a message of "Yes, we can," but when it comes to immigration enforcement, you seem to say, "Yes, we can, but you can't - and we get to decide if we want to." That's what I take from your lawsuit against Arizona. The lawsuit cites the "delicate balance" required of immigration enforcement. What balance? Laws should be enforced, shouldn't they?
In your immigration speech, you acknowledged that you aren't doing a good enough job tracking people who enter the U.S. and ensuring they don't overstay their visa, but your 2011 budget cuts funding for US-Visit, the program that does the tracking. You seem to say, "No, we won't."
Arizona has stepped into the enforcement void created by prior administrations and continued in yours, and you seem to say "No, we won't let you."
Finally, your lawsuit sends a big "No, you can't" message to the millions of unemployed Americans who could fill the jobs currently held by illegal workers.
Of course, you aren't the Administration of "no" for everyone. Your message to citizens of other countries who want to work in the U.S. legally or not, regardless of U.S. unemployment: "Yes, you can!"
Phone me if you would like to talk about this,
Mr. Steven Rago
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, DC 20500
President Obama:
I cannot believe you and your administration have decided to side with illegal aliens and anti-American worker interest groups and oppose Arizona's new immigration enforcement law. Whose interests are you supposed to protect: those of Americans and legal immigrants or those of illegal aliens who broke the law to come here?
You ran on a message of "Yes, we can," but when it comes to immigration enforcement, you seem to say, "Yes, we can, but you can't - and we get to decide if we want to." That's what I take from your lawsuit against Arizona. The lawsuit cites the "delicate balance" required of immigration enforcement. What balance? Laws should be enforced, shouldn't they?
In your immigration speech, you acknowledged that you aren't doing a good enough job tracking people who enter the U.S. and ensuring they don't overstay their visa, but your 2011 budget cuts funding for US-Visit, the program that does the tracking. You seem to say, "No, we won't."
Arizona has stepped into the enforcement void created by prior administrations and continued in yours, and you seem to say "No, we won't let you."
Finally, your lawsuit sends a big "No, you can't" message to the millions of unemployed Americans who could fill the jobs currently held by illegal workers.
Of course, you aren't the Administration of "no" for everyone. Your message to citizens of other countries who want to work in the U.S. legally or not, regardless of U.S. unemployment: "Yes, you can!"
Phone me if you would like to talk about this,
Mr. Steven Rago
Monday, June 14, 2010
Pat Condell/Ground Zero
We need to hear this Now
It will make you sick and mad, the New York clowns in office should be run out of town and branded as fools for (PC)
It will make you sick and mad, the New York clowns in office should be run out of town and branded as fools for (PC)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Thousands Protest Mega-Mosque on D-Day!
by Pamela Geller
Posted 06/08/2010 ET
Despite weather forecasts of thunderstorms, the skies were clear and beautiful Sunday afternoon for our Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA) rally against the Ground Zero mega-mosque, but not as beautiful as the patriotic crowd who came out to stand for freedom against this insulting manifestation of Islamic supremacism. It was a real cross-section of humanity: every race, creed, color and religion were out in all their glory.
My SIOA colleague, bestselling author and Islam expert Robert Spencer, and I were expecting 500 people to attend our rally. Imagine our wonder when close to 5,000 showed up. Other estimates ranged up to 10,000. The crowd was so huge that it filled the police pens and Zuccotti Park, and overflowed to the other side of the street.
Despite the huge size of the rally, there was little media coverage at the event, which indicates the media’s bias. The NY News actually ran a segment repeatedly Sunday afternoon about the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender parade, but not a word about our massive rally. And all Sunday, Fox News was running—get this—Greta Van Susteren’s years-old interview with Natalee Holloway’s murderer.
But there were loads of bloggers, including El Marco, Pamela Hall, and others, who put the mainstream media to shame with their thorough coverage and exemplary photojournalism. They showed yet again how essential the new media is today—and how useless the old.
Our speaker list was wide-ranging. We had C. Lee Hanson, who lost his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter on 9/11; Anders Gravers of our sister organization, Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE); Simon Deng, the Sudanese ex-slave and campaigner for human rights for Sudanese Christians; James Lafferty of the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force; Nonie Darwish, ex-Muslim and author of Now They Call Me Infidel and Cruel and Usual Punishment; Dr. Babu Suseelan, a Hindu leader and human rights activist; Herbert London of the Hudson Institute; and Alan T. DeVona, the patrol sergeant on duty at the time of the jihad terror attack on September 11. Also attending were some politicians who are attuned to the will of the people: Jay Townsend, who is running against Sen. Chuck Schumer for (D.-N.Y.) and has been endorsed by the New York Conservative Party and is on the GOP ballot; Vincent Forras, a candidate for Senate in Connecticut; and Dan Maloney, the New York director of Gathering of Eagles and a congressional candidate in New York’s 4th Congressional District.
And this is just the beginning. We are going to sue to designate as a war memorial the Burlington Coat Factory building, which the Muslims behind the Ground Zero Mosque initiative are already using as a mosque, and which is slated to be torn down to make way for the massive fifteen-story mega-mosque.
This is the right thing to do, since there is a large piece of an airplane in that building. That makes the building a war memorial, no less than Gettysburg or Pearl Harbor. There should be no mosque there, and nothing there but a memorial to the people America lost to that heinous attack on September 11, 2001. Instead of a mega mosque at Ground Zero, let’s build a 911 war memorial to the victims. That will give us the opportunity to redress yet another insult: the current plan for a 911 museum is several floors underground, like a dungeon. And the mosque plan calls for the mosque to be on the top floor, looking down triumphantly on the burial ground of Ground Zero.
I don’t think so.
The Burlington Coat Factory building must be a war memorial, a historic landmark. We will sue to make that happen. We are also planning another SIOA protest against the mega-mosque in September, and will stage sit-ins in front of the mosque should they try to break ground.
And we will never give up.
Three thousand good and decent Americans did not die in vain. And we have not forgotten them, even if Mayor Bloomberg and the rest of the New York political establishment have.
Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs website and former associate publisher of the New York Observer. Her op-eds have appeared in the Washington Times, WorldNetDaily, the American Thinker, Israel National News and other publications.
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Posted 06/08/2010 ET
Despite weather forecasts of thunderstorms, the skies were clear and beautiful Sunday afternoon for our Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA) rally against the Ground Zero mega-mosque, but not as beautiful as the patriotic crowd who came out to stand for freedom against this insulting manifestation of Islamic supremacism. It was a real cross-section of humanity: every race, creed, color and religion were out in all their glory.
My SIOA colleague, bestselling author and Islam expert Robert Spencer, and I were expecting 500 people to attend our rally. Imagine our wonder when close to 5,000 showed up. Other estimates ranged up to 10,000. The crowd was so huge that it filled the police pens and Zuccotti Park, and overflowed to the other side of the street.
Despite the huge size of the rally, there was little media coverage at the event, which indicates the media’s bias. The NY News actually ran a segment repeatedly Sunday afternoon about the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender parade, but not a word about our massive rally. And all Sunday, Fox News was running—get this—Greta Van Susteren’s years-old interview with Natalee Holloway’s murderer.
But there were loads of bloggers, including El Marco, Pamela Hall, and others, who put the mainstream media to shame with their thorough coverage and exemplary photojournalism. They showed yet again how essential the new media is today—and how useless the old.
Our speaker list was wide-ranging. We had C. Lee Hanson, who lost his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter on 9/11; Anders Gravers of our sister organization, Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE); Simon Deng, the Sudanese ex-slave and campaigner for human rights for Sudanese Christians; James Lafferty of the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force; Nonie Darwish, ex-Muslim and author of Now They Call Me Infidel and Cruel and Usual Punishment; Dr. Babu Suseelan, a Hindu leader and human rights activist; Herbert London of the Hudson Institute; and Alan T. DeVona, the patrol sergeant on duty at the time of the jihad terror attack on September 11. Also attending were some politicians who are attuned to the will of the people: Jay Townsend, who is running against Sen. Chuck Schumer for (D.-N.Y.) and has been endorsed by the New York Conservative Party and is on the GOP ballot; Vincent Forras, a candidate for Senate in Connecticut; and Dan Maloney, the New York director of Gathering of Eagles and a congressional candidate in New York’s 4th Congressional District.
And this is just the beginning. We are going to sue to designate as a war memorial the Burlington Coat Factory building, which the Muslims behind the Ground Zero Mosque initiative are already using as a mosque, and which is slated to be torn down to make way for the massive fifteen-story mega-mosque.
This is the right thing to do, since there is a large piece of an airplane in that building. That makes the building a war memorial, no less than Gettysburg or Pearl Harbor. There should be no mosque there, and nothing there but a memorial to the people America lost to that heinous attack on September 11, 2001. Instead of a mega mosque at Ground Zero, let’s build a 911 war memorial to the victims. That will give us the opportunity to redress yet another insult: the current plan for a 911 museum is several floors underground, like a dungeon. And the mosque plan calls for the mosque to be on the top floor, looking down triumphantly on the burial ground of Ground Zero.
I don’t think so.
The Burlington Coat Factory building must be a war memorial, a historic landmark. We will sue to make that happen. We are also planning another SIOA protest against the mega-mosque in September, and will stage sit-ins in front of the mosque should they try to break ground.
And we will never give up.
Three thousand good and decent Americans did not die in vain. And we have not forgotten them, even if Mayor Bloomberg and the rest of the New York political establishment have.
Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs website and former associate publisher of the New York Observer. Her op-eds have appeared in the Washington Times, WorldNetDaily, the American Thinker, Israel National News and other publications.
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Monday, June 7, 2010
An open letter to Helen Thomas
By YORAM DORI07/06/2010
In light of your recent remarks that Jews must "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go home," I think I should tell you about my parents' families.
Dear Ms. Thomas, I read on numerous Web sites the remarks attributed to you (and I did not see any denial) that we, the Jews must “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go home” to Germany or Poland. I am convinced that you are aware of the events which took place during the years 1939-1945 but, to be certain, I think it appropriate to tell you a little about my parents and their families.My mother was sent to Palestine from Germany in 1933 with the rise of the Nazis to power by her farseeing parents. The British blockade, which prevented Jews fleeing the Nazi horrors from entering, made it difficult for her and only the pretext of coming on a tourist visit enabled her to enter and remain alive. Her older sister, Sarah, her husband and three children aged 12, 10 and seven did not succeed in finding a way of coming to Palestine and were sent by the Nazis to Poland and from there, their journey to the Auschwitz gas chambers, was short. I understand that it is there that you wish to send me. My father, who lived in Austria, also showed resourcefulness and immediately on the German invasion and sailed to Palestine. On the way – again the British blockade – he was forced to throw his passport into the sea so that, heaven forbid, they would not send him back to Austria, another country you wished I was moving to. His older brother and his wife, who did not go with him, were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators.My parents, who, as mentioned, with lifesaving initiative, fled from Europe before they were murdered, arrived in a desolated and barren country, worked in orchards, barely supported themselves and, by the way, were happy with their lot. In 1947 upon hearing of the UN resolution on the partitioning of the country, they danced in the streets, even though most of the area of Israel was torn from its sovereignty. For brands who survived the fire, it was enough.The Palestinians and Arab countries, who gained most of the area, refused to accept the UN resolution and began a war to annihilate us. Only three years had passed since the liberation of Auschwitz and again we – the Jews – faced the danger of annihilation. To our joy, 600,000 Jews were victorious over millions of armed Arabs. It appears that justice has power and strength of its own.IN THE 62 years of our existence, we have had seven wars, thousands of terror attacks, buses which have exploded in streets, firing into schools, mortars fired on kindergartens. Yet you wish to exile us back to the inferno, as if nothing happened 65 years ago in Europe, as if our hands have not been stretched out for peace since the establishment of the state?We were victorious in the wars imposed upon us by Egypt and we signed a peace agreement with it after yielding all the territory and all the oil. We signed a peace agreement with Jordan. We yielded all the territory and much water. We withdrew from Lebanon to the international border and, in return, we received Hizbullah katyushas on our citizens. We left Gaza and in return, we received massive firing on our citizens in the South. Are you aware, Ms. Thomas, that many children from Sderot and the area around Gaza wet their beds until a late age out of fear of the Hamas missiles? And it is us that you wish to exile? Why? Because you think that we are weak or because it annoys you that we are not defeated?As someone, who throughout his adult life has been a member of the Israeli “peace camp,” notwithstanding you and your strange and angering views, my friends and I (and I hope also my government) will continue to turn over every stone and scour every corner to attain peace. Peace, which will enable us to the smallest extent to live and our neighbors, the Palestinians, to establish a country and to flourish and prosper. To achieve this, we are prepared to make great concessions, to give back all the territories gained as a result of wars which our neighbors forced on us. There is only one thing we want in return – life. A quiet life, a life without terror, a life without missiles, a life like the one you have in Washington and which I, in Israel, also deserve.The writer is an adviser to President Shimon Peres.
In light of your recent remarks that Jews must "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go home," I think I should tell you about my parents' families.
Dear Ms. Thomas, I read on numerous Web sites the remarks attributed to you (and I did not see any denial) that we, the Jews must “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go home” to Germany or Poland. I am convinced that you are aware of the events which took place during the years 1939-1945 but, to be certain, I think it appropriate to tell you a little about my parents and their families.My mother was sent to Palestine from Germany in 1933 with the rise of the Nazis to power by her farseeing parents. The British blockade, which prevented Jews fleeing the Nazi horrors from entering, made it difficult for her and only the pretext of coming on a tourist visit enabled her to enter and remain alive. Her older sister, Sarah, her husband and three children aged 12, 10 and seven did not succeed in finding a way of coming to Palestine and were sent by the Nazis to Poland and from there, their journey to the Auschwitz gas chambers, was short. I understand that it is there that you wish to send me. My father, who lived in Austria, also showed resourcefulness and immediately on the German invasion and sailed to Palestine. On the way – again the British blockade – he was forced to throw his passport into the sea so that, heaven forbid, they would not send him back to Austria, another country you wished I was moving to. His older brother and his wife, who did not go with him, were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators.My parents, who, as mentioned, with lifesaving initiative, fled from Europe before they were murdered, arrived in a desolated and barren country, worked in orchards, barely supported themselves and, by the way, were happy with their lot. In 1947 upon hearing of the UN resolution on the partitioning of the country, they danced in the streets, even though most of the area of Israel was torn from its sovereignty. For brands who survived the fire, it was enough.The Palestinians and Arab countries, who gained most of the area, refused to accept the UN resolution and began a war to annihilate us. Only three years had passed since the liberation of Auschwitz and again we – the Jews – faced the danger of annihilation. To our joy, 600,000 Jews were victorious over millions of armed Arabs. It appears that justice has power and strength of its own.IN THE 62 years of our existence, we have had seven wars, thousands of terror attacks, buses which have exploded in streets, firing into schools, mortars fired on kindergartens. Yet you wish to exile us back to the inferno, as if nothing happened 65 years ago in Europe, as if our hands have not been stretched out for peace since the establishment of the state?We were victorious in the wars imposed upon us by Egypt and we signed a peace agreement with it after yielding all the territory and all the oil. We signed a peace agreement with Jordan. We yielded all the territory and much water. We withdrew from Lebanon to the international border and, in return, we received Hizbullah katyushas on our citizens. We left Gaza and in return, we received massive firing on our citizens in the South. Are you aware, Ms. Thomas, that many children from Sderot and the area around Gaza wet their beds until a late age out of fear of the Hamas missiles? And it is us that you wish to exile? Why? Because you think that we are weak or because it annoys you that we are not defeated?As someone, who throughout his adult life has been a member of the Israeli “peace camp,” notwithstanding you and your strange and angering views, my friends and I (and I hope also my government) will continue to turn over every stone and scour every corner to attain peace. Peace, which will enable us to the smallest extent to live and our neighbors, the Palestinians, to establish a country and to flourish and prosper. To achieve this, we are prepared to make great concessions, to give back all the territories gained as a result of wars which our neighbors forced on us. There is only one thing we want in return – life. A quiet life, a life without terror, a life without missiles, a life like the one you have in Washington and which I, in Israel, also deserve.The writer is an adviser to President Shimon Peres.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Cicero on Communism
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."
Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C
Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Who is John Galt??
I swear by my Life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine.
Ayn Rand rang the clarion alarm in 1957, with Atlas Shrugged . It goes with out saying that Ayn Rand was a prophet looking to today.
The only thing that Any Rand did not predict in this book is that the head of state for the United States (Mr. Thompson)should have been a black communist lacking any shread of integrity.
What follows is a call to action for those of us who care about living as a Free Objective Individuals.
Let me say that the communist and all its musings will fabricate all sorts of impolitic, ad hoc rules and regulations, and ultimately remove your rights..Your GOD given rights…
The Communist would have us believe that its epithets provide a liberating insight into life, the universe, and everything under the sun, along with every aspect of your life. Not surprisingly, its evidence for that utterly unenlightened claim is top-heavy with anonymous sources and, to put it mildly, it has a checkered track record for accuracy. Communism fails every time it is tried, unless it is a totalatarian autocracy, and then you will obey or pay the price. Let’s consider 150 million dead, that we know of in the 20th century alone, due to the wonderful, magnanimous and all knowing, ruthless Communist..
I contend it would be more accurate for communist to say that it insists that it is an organization of peace…. Just like I hear these days of another group of people that strap bombs on and go out a murder the children of the people they HATE, They are a peaceful people, or a religion of peace… Are they not???!!!
This fraud, this lie, is just one among the thousands they perpetrate.
Here are a few points to ponder:
1. I wish supercilious boors like communist's community organizers would quit whining and try doing some honest work for a change. Instead of trying to tell us how to live and work.
2. It is a dangerous folly to ignore the threat to our Representative Republic posed by these gloomy perjurers.
3. Communist's adulators are uneducable, narrow minded autocrats. Who want control over your work, diet, hobbies, travel, leasure, family, home, hearth, life and limb.
Those points may at first seem unrelated, but when you connect the dots it becomes clear that communist's reason is not true reason. It does not seek the truth but only warped answers, along with the unatainable and ever elusive utopia, they know deep in there heart of hearts, DOES NOT EXIST, only besotted resolutions to conflicts that have failed every time used and headed for dystopia.
Given that communist's obstreperous newsgroups
(“The Lie To Me Nightly News Media”) postings are part of the workforce training agenda for the global planned economy, it stands to reason that some reputed—as opposed to reputable—members of its junta quite adamantly claim that communism is the way, the truth, and the light.
I find it rather astonishing that anyone could insist such a thing, but then again, The communist likes thinking thoughts that aren't burdensome and that feel good. Like most anchor’s in almost all of the News rooms today, not to mention most of the left in Washington. . I say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
What's scary is that support for communist's disruptive values is spreading like a prairie fire among what I call obtuse crackpots, uneducated in public schools, and the sick, lame, and lazy. I don't know why that is, but I do know that the communist is too shallow to read the writing on the wall.
This writing warns that all its subalterns are afraid that they will be exposed for the fraud they are and that the masses will see the wrong headed lie that is communism, denuded.
I have seen their fear manifested over and over again, and it is further evidence that communist are the one who needs to reassess there assumptions and “ Check their premises.”
They too should realize that the communist operates on an international scale to tell us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know, and—most importantly—what not to know. Think news media and the lie of omission.. Think Orwell’s book 1984.
War is peace. Freedom is salvery. The ministry of information or the news media has a memory hole so you forget what your told to forget.
It's only fitting, therefore, that we, too, work on an international scale, by working on a local scale to inform our friends, family, neighbor’s, and coworkers to take up the all-encompassing challenge of freedom, justice, equality, and the pursuit of life with full dignity, and respect for the individual.
Stand with me, be honest with me, If we network, mesh and inform one another We will expose every puerile practice of every puerile drug lord, pushing the opiate of collectivism, and together we'll fight and defeat the warped, distorted, misshapen, unwholesome monstrosity that communist's stratagems have become. We'll extricate as many people as possible from its grip. I'm counting on you. Thanks for reading this.
We are all John Galt
For The Republic
Ayn Rand rang the clarion alarm in 1957, with Atlas Shrugged . It goes with out saying that Ayn Rand was a prophet looking to today.
The only thing that Any Rand did not predict in this book is that the head of state for the United States (Mr. Thompson)should have been a black communist lacking any shread of integrity.
What follows is a call to action for those of us who care about living as a Free Objective Individuals.
Let me say that the communist and all its musings will fabricate all sorts of impolitic, ad hoc rules and regulations, and ultimately remove your rights..Your GOD given rights…
The Communist would have us believe that its epithets provide a liberating insight into life, the universe, and everything under the sun, along with every aspect of your life. Not surprisingly, its evidence for that utterly unenlightened claim is top-heavy with anonymous sources and, to put it mildly, it has a checkered track record for accuracy. Communism fails every time it is tried, unless it is a totalatarian autocracy, and then you will obey or pay the price. Let’s consider 150 million dead, that we know of in the 20th century alone, due to the wonderful, magnanimous and all knowing, ruthless Communist..
I contend it would be more accurate for communist to say that it insists that it is an organization of peace…. Just like I hear these days of another group of people that strap bombs on and go out a murder the children of the people they HATE, They are a peaceful people, or a religion of peace… Are they not???!!!
This fraud, this lie, is just one among the thousands they perpetrate.
Here are a few points to ponder:
1. I wish supercilious boors like communist's community organizers would quit whining and try doing some honest work for a change. Instead of trying to tell us how to live and work.
2. It is a dangerous folly to ignore the threat to our Representative Republic posed by these gloomy perjurers.
3. Communist's adulators are uneducable, narrow minded autocrats. Who want control over your work, diet, hobbies, travel, leasure, family, home, hearth, life and limb.
Those points may at first seem unrelated, but when you connect the dots it becomes clear that communist's reason is not true reason. It does not seek the truth but only warped answers, along with the unatainable and ever elusive utopia, they know deep in there heart of hearts, DOES NOT EXIST, only besotted resolutions to conflicts that have failed every time used and headed for dystopia.
Given that communist's obstreperous newsgroups
(“The Lie To Me Nightly News Media”) postings are part of the workforce training agenda for the global planned economy, it stands to reason that some reputed—as opposed to reputable—members of its junta quite adamantly claim that communism is the way, the truth, and the light.
I find it rather astonishing that anyone could insist such a thing, but then again, The communist likes thinking thoughts that aren't burdensome and that feel good. Like most anchor’s in almost all of the News rooms today, not to mention most of the left in Washington. . I say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
What's scary is that support for communist's disruptive values is spreading like a prairie fire among what I call obtuse crackpots, uneducated in public schools, and the sick, lame, and lazy. I don't know why that is, but I do know that the communist is too shallow to read the writing on the wall.
This writing warns that all its subalterns are afraid that they will be exposed for the fraud they are and that the masses will see the wrong headed lie that is communism, denuded.
I have seen their fear manifested over and over again, and it is further evidence that communist are the one who needs to reassess there assumptions and “ Check their premises.”
They too should realize that the communist operates on an international scale to tell us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know, and—most importantly—what not to know. Think news media and the lie of omission.. Think Orwell’s book 1984.
War is peace. Freedom is salvery. The ministry of information or the news media has a memory hole so you forget what your told to forget.
It's only fitting, therefore, that we, too, work on an international scale, by working on a local scale to inform our friends, family, neighbor’s, and coworkers to take up the all-encompassing challenge of freedom, justice, equality, and the pursuit of life with full dignity, and respect for the individual.
Stand with me, be honest with me, If we network, mesh and inform one another We will expose every puerile practice of every puerile drug lord, pushing the opiate of collectivism, and together we'll fight and defeat the warped, distorted, misshapen, unwholesome monstrosity that communist's stratagems have become. We'll extricate as many people as possible from its grip. I'm counting on you. Thanks for reading this.
We are all John Galt
For The Republic
Thursday, May 13, 2010
It is time.
It is time for all the people in this great country to stand up once and for all and say enough is enough; we are fed up with the lies, the deceit, murder, rape, extortion, and hypocrisies of the pharisaical charlatans in the UNITED NATIONS.
Most of the so called leaders of the United Nations should be removed from position and put on trial as the full fledged commission or” Dons “of the largest organized crime ring in the history of the world. When these people open their mouth they speak in useless platitudes, they defend the indefensible, and protect the wicked with a full court of mendacity. The U.N. crime ring is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Africa, the enslavement and trafficking of human beings along with the prostitution of children. Remember the oil for food program???
These criminals have aggrandized money from the United States and given it to tin horn dictators and thugs to the tune of BILLIONS (one can only imagine), and made sure that rape rooms and murder chambers in Baghdad were kept open and busy. God forbid a country tries to protect its borders; it sets them off on an apoplectic fit. Its time to tell these clowns to mind their own business. How does anyone in the United Nations have the audacity and unmitigated gall, to tell any country that it cannot defend itself, against an aggressor? Aggressors like the people that have “The Religion of Peace”
I for one would tell Israel “TAKE NO PRISONERS” It’s just not worth it when your enemy shows no sign of human compassion and or reason and a complete disregard for innocence, be they children or woman.
The U.N. has never solved anything, any emergency, any war, any flood, earthquake, volcano, famine, storms, and genocide, the U.N. is impudent and ineffective to the point of negligence, just like all communist. Then will try to profit off the catastrophe, to hell with the people.
The U.N. has looked at slavery in Muslim countries and gave it a wink and nod.
The U.N. peacekeepers have proven to be in some cases worse then the evil in the Congo.
Unfortunately the world response to this incompetent, recalcitrant bunch of thugs,
Is at best, pusillanimous.
How can we? The people of the free world just stand by and let this scourge of mankind
go on with this treachery and deceitfulness under the heading of the organization that is doing GOOD in the world, and all the while being the most pernicious violators of the rule of law. This organization and all its rules are deleterious to our national security and sovereignty. It is time for the United Nations to get out of the United States and the United States to get out of the United Nations. Stop sending our tax dollars to this monstrosity, and fund our military to protect our boarders.
Steven Rago
It is time for all the people in this great country to stand up once and for all and say enough is enough; we are fed up with the lies, the deceit, murder, rape, extortion, and hypocrisies of the pharisaical charlatans in the UNITED NATIONS.
Most of the so called leaders of the United Nations should be removed from position and put on trial as the full fledged commission or” Dons “of the largest organized crime ring in the history of the world. When these people open their mouth they speak in useless platitudes, they defend the indefensible, and protect the wicked with a full court of mendacity. The U.N. crime ring is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Africa, the enslavement and trafficking of human beings along with the prostitution of children. Remember the oil for food program???
These criminals have aggrandized money from the United States and given it to tin horn dictators and thugs to the tune of BILLIONS (one can only imagine), and made sure that rape rooms and murder chambers in Baghdad were kept open and busy. God forbid a country tries to protect its borders; it sets them off on an apoplectic fit. Its time to tell these clowns to mind their own business. How does anyone in the United Nations have the audacity and unmitigated gall, to tell any country that it cannot defend itself, against an aggressor? Aggressors like the people that have “The Religion of Peace”
I for one would tell Israel “TAKE NO PRISONERS” It’s just not worth it when your enemy shows no sign of human compassion and or reason and a complete disregard for innocence, be they children or woman.
The U.N. has never solved anything, any emergency, any war, any flood, earthquake, volcano, famine, storms, and genocide, the U.N. is impudent and ineffective to the point of negligence, just like all communist. Then will try to profit off the catastrophe, to hell with the people.
The U.N. has looked at slavery in Muslim countries and gave it a wink and nod.
The U.N. peacekeepers have proven to be in some cases worse then the evil in the Congo.
Unfortunately the world response to this incompetent, recalcitrant bunch of thugs,
Is at best, pusillanimous.
How can we? The people of the free world just stand by and let this scourge of mankind
go on with this treachery and deceitfulness under the heading of the organization that is doing GOOD in the world, and all the while being the most pernicious violators of the rule of law. This organization and all its rules are deleterious to our national security and sovereignty. It is time for the United Nations to get out of the United States and the United States to get out of the United Nations. Stop sending our tax dollars to this monstrosity, and fund our military to protect our boarders.
Steven Rago
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Hollywood Communist
Ed Asner.. Another Hollywood Communist!!!
All that is below can be found on the World Wide Web
Thanks to David Horowitz At the Freedom center.
Born on November 15, 1929 in Kansas City, Kansas, Yitzak Edward Asner was the child of Orthodox Jewish immigrants. He attended the University of Chicago and served in the United States Army Signal Corps from 1951-53. He is best known for his work as a television actor.
Asner began his professional acting career with the Chicago Playwright's Theatre Company, later did some off-Broadway productions, and went to Hollywood in 1961. In 1970 he won a starring role in the Mary Tyler Moore Show as the TV news manager Lou Grant. After the comedy's run was over, Asner took the starring role in the drama Lou Grant and went on to become the only actor to win Emmy awards for playing the same character in both a comedy and dramatic series. He also had prominent roles in the epic 1970s television movies Roots and Rich Man, Poor Man, and he helped fund Michael Moore's 1989 movie Roger & Me. Asner has won five Golden Globe Awards and seven Emmy Awards. They just love to pat one another on the back..
Asner's first foray into political activism came when he led a 1980 strike by the Screen Actors' Guild (SAG), an organization for which he would subsequently serve two terms as President (1981-1985). During this period, Asner became a vocal critic of the Reagan administration's policies, especially regarding foreign affairs. He just didn’t like Reagan kicking the communist butt. Condemning U.S. involvement in Central America, Asner took part in a fundraiser to send medical aid to El Salvadoran communist guerrillas (real nice friends) who were fighting against the Reagan-backed freedom loving government in that country, and he lent his name to a rebel-supporting direct-mail piece.
Shortly after Asner's political beliefs were publicly revealed, Lou Grant was cancelled in 1982. "I believe my political activities created a storm that affected network thinking," he says. "Even if the accelerated cancellation was due to low ratings, doing it at the time automatically gave satisfaction to the people demanding a boycott. It made the cancellation political." (Not!!!)
Ever since the demise of Lou Grant, Asner has become increasingly active on the political front. He has been honored with the ACLU's Worker's Rights Committee Award, the Anne Frank Human Rights Award, the Eugene Debs Award, the Organized Labor Publications Humanitarian Award, and the National Emergency Civil Liberties Award. Can you get an award for breathing??
A supporter of, Asner has given money to a number of Democratic political campaigns, including those of Tom Harkin, Richard Gephardt, and Dennis Kucinich. He has also contributed to the organizations Democracy for America and Progressive Vote. Asner's wife, Cindy, has made donations to Dennis Kucinich, John Kerry, Barbara Lee, Sherrod Brown, Bernie Sanders, and Tom Daschle. Groups she has funded include Progressive Majority, Midwest Values PAC, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. I tried to find a longer list of losers..
Ed Asner advocates gun control, The only people he wants to have guns are the brown shirts that will keep you in line, campaign finance reform, restricting your freedom of speech, and animal rights, and gives financial support to organizations like the Humane Society of the United States and Defenders of Wildlife.
An opponent of the death penalty, in October 2000 Asner testified as a character witness for accused cop killer Kenneth Gay; he has also made many public appearances to protest the death sentence of convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal. NOW WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU STOOD UP FOR A COP KILLER??? What a fool..
Asner is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Oh what a surprise!!!! and has raised money on that organization's behalf. Says Asner: "Socialist means a thing that will curb the excesses of capitalism: the increasing wealth of the rich and decreasing wealth of the poor. …UH! Socialism is the form of government that the communist subsist under and it kills the human sprite… “ For me, solidarity, civil liberty, and social justice can all be summed up with three simple letters -- DSA." What BS!!!
Asner avidly supports Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and blames the U.S. for its strained relationship with the communist leader: "When Castro first took over, we all celebrated enormously. The devil you know is a lot better then the devil you don’t know. Cuba … had finally found its freedom. WHAT FREEDOM?? The United States could not tolerate … a little Hispanic country 90 miles off the United States declaring its independence of the United States, so immediately embargoes, everything began to take place, forcing him into the sphere of Soviet influence." Oh you mean the communist that want to kill us..
When Asner was told in May 2003 that Castro had "denied" Cubans "free elections for 40 years," the actor replied that "We [the U.S.] didn't have a free election [either] in 2002." (He may have meant to say 2000, the year of the Florida recount crisis.) This man needs a tin foil hat.. size extra small
A harsh critic of the Bush administration, the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, and American foreign policy in general, Asner in December 2002 (three months prior to the invasion of Iraq) charged that Bush officials "have keyed and geared the war machine … [to the point] that they've got to unload it someplace. Iraq is the likeliest place."
In April 2004 Asner wrote a letter "to the Peace and Justice Movement" stating that "9-11 has been used to justify 'endless war' and a continual rollback in civil liberties that seems to have no end in sight." "George Bush's actions," he said on another occasion, "are desecrating the America that I grew up in and believed in. He [Bush] is making us an imperialist government." "I also think," Asner added, "that there is a strong streak of racism whenever we engage in foreign adventures. Our whole history in regime change has been of people of different color." When fellow actor Ron Silver said that Saddam Hussein was not the "imprimatur of morality," Anser responded, "Nor are we [Americans]. Nor are we." Make that a XX small hat
Asner has advocated for the 9-11 Visibility Project, which promotes the idea that the U.S. government knew the terrorist attacks were coming and yet did nothing to stop them. Well we just wanted two kill of a few thousand Americans and get away with it,
Asner was a signatory to the 2002 Not In Our Name petition organized by C. Clark Kissinger and the Revolutionary Communist Party.
The actor was formerly a member of the "International Committee to Free Geronimo Pratt. (Pratt was the onetime Deputy Defense Minister for the Black Panther Party, who was arrested in 1970 for the murder of a Los Angeles schoolteacher.) So there you have it a nobody that is going to tell us how to live and who to forgive and release from jail instead of paying for capital murder. So why does this acerebral clown get a pass??
The lie to me nightly news networks would not dare expose this communist,
they love him!! Guess what he got YOUR money; Stop sending YOUR hard earned money to Hollywood. They just use it against us. Once again it must be said
All that is below can be found on the World Wide Web
Thanks to David Horowitz At the Freedom center.
Born on November 15, 1929 in Kansas City, Kansas, Yitzak Edward Asner was the child of Orthodox Jewish immigrants. He attended the University of Chicago and served in the United States Army Signal Corps from 1951-53. He is best known for his work as a television actor.
Asner began his professional acting career with the Chicago Playwright's Theatre Company, later did some off-Broadway productions, and went to Hollywood in 1961. In 1970 he won a starring role in the Mary Tyler Moore Show as the TV news manager Lou Grant. After the comedy's run was over, Asner took the starring role in the drama Lou Grant and went on to become the only actor to win Emmy awards for playing the same character in both a comedy and dramatic series. He also had prominent roles in the epic 1970s television movies Roots and Rich Man, Poor Man, and he helped fund Michael Moore's 1989 movie Roger & Me. Asner has won five Golden Globe Awards and seven Emmy Awards. They just love to pat one another on the back..
Asner's first foray into political activism came when he led a 1980 strike by the Screen Actors' Guild (SAG), an organization for which he would subsequently serve two terms as President (1981-1985). During this period, Asner became a vocal critic of the Reagan administration's policies, especially regarding foreign affairs. He just didn’t like Reagan kicking the communist butt. Condemning U.S. involvement in Central America, Asner took part in a fundraiser to send medical aid to El Salvadoran communist guerrillas (real nice friends) who were fighting against the Reagan-backed freedom loving government in that country, and he lent his name to a rebel-supporting direct-mail piece.
Shortly after Asner's political beliefs were publicly revealed, Lou Grant was cancelled in 1982. "I believe my political activities created a storm that affected network thinking," he says. "Even if the accelerated cancellation was due to low ratings, doing it at the time automatically gave satisfaction to the people demanding a boycott. It made the cancellation political." (Not!!!)
Ever since the demise of Lou Grant, Asner has become increasingly active on the political front. He has been honored with the ACLU's Worker's Rights Committee Award, the Anne Frank Human Rights Award, the Eugene Debs Award, the Organized Labor Publications Humanitarian Award, and the National Emergency Civil Liberties Award. Can you get an award for breathing??
A supporter of, Asner has given money to a number of Democratic political campaigns, including those of Tom Harkin, Richard Gephardt, and Dennis Kucinich. He has also contributed to the organizations Democracy for America and Progressive Vote. Asner's wife, Cindy, has made donations to Dennis Kucinich, John Kerry, Barbara Lee, Sherrod Brown, Bernie Sanders, and Tom Daschle. Groups she has funded include Progressive Majority, Midwest Values PAC, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. I tried to find a longer list of losers..
Ed Asner advocates gun control, The only people he wants to have guns are the brown shirts that will keep you in line, campaign finance reform, restricting your freedom of speech, and animal rights, and gives financial support to organizations like the Humane Society of the United States and Defenders of Wildlife.
An opponent of the death penalty, in October 2000 Asner testified as a character witness for accused cop killer Kenneth Gay; he has also made many public appearances to protest the death sentence of convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal. NOW WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU STOOD UP FOR A COP KILLER??? What a fool..
Asner is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Oh what a surprise!!!! and has raised money on that organization's behalf. Says Asner: "Socialist means a thing that will curb the excesses of capitalism: the increasing wealth of the rich and decreasing wealth of the poor. …UH! Socialism is the form of government that the communist subsist under and it kills the human sprite… “ For me, solidarity, civil liberty, and social justice can all be summed up with three simple letters -- DSA." What BS!!!
Asner avidly supports Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and blames the U.S. for its strained relationship with the communist leader: "When Castro first took over, we all celebrated enormously. The devil you know is a lot better then the devil you don’t know. Cuba … had finally found its freedom. WHAT FREEDOM?? The United States could not tolerate … a little Hispanic country 90 miles off the United States declaring its independence of the United States, so immediately embargoes, everything began to take place, forcing him into the sphere of Soviet influence." Oh you mean the communist that want to kill us..
When Asner was told in May 2003 that Castro had "denied" Cubans "free elections for 40 years," the actor replied that "We [the U.S.] didn't have a free election [either] in 2002." (He may have meant to say 2000, the year of the Florida recount crisis.) This man needs a tin foil hat.. size extra small
A harsh critic of the Bush administration, the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, and American foreign policy in general, Asner in December 2002 (three months prior to the invasion of Iraq) charged that Bush officials "have keyed and geared the war machine … [to the point] that they've got to unload it someplace. Iraq is the likeliest place."
In April 2004 Asner wrote a letter "to the Peace and Justice Movement" stating that "9-11 has been used to justify 'endless war' and a continual rollback in civil liberties that seems to have no end in sight." "George Bush's actions," he said on another occasion, "are desecrating the America that I grew up in and believed in. He [Bush] is making us an imperialist government." "I also think," Asner added, "that there is a strong streak of racism whenever we engage in foreign adventures. Our whole history in regime change has been of people of different color." When fellow actor Ron Silver said that Saddam Hussein was not the "imprimatur of morality," Anser responded, "Nor are we [Americans]. Nor are we." Make that a XX small hat
Asner has advocated for the 9-11 Visibility Project, which promotes the idea that the U.S. government knew the terrorist attacks were coming and yet did nothing to stop them. Well we just wanted two kill of a few thousand Americans and get away with it,
Asner was a signatory to the 2002 Not In Our Name petition organized by C. Clark Kissinger and the Revolutionary Communist Party.
The actor was formerly a member of the "International Committee to Free Geronimo Pratt. (Pratt was the onetime Deputy Defense Minister for the Black Panther Party, who was arrested in 1970 for the murder of a Los Angeles schoolteacher.) So there you have it a nobody that is going to tell us how to live and who to forgive and release from jail instead of paying for capital murder. So why does this acerebral clown get a pass??
The lie to me nightly news networks would not dare expose this communist,
they love him!! Guess what he got YOUR money; Stop sending YOUR hard earned money to Hollywood. They just use it against us. Once again it must be said
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Just How I Feel
> You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
> You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
> You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
> You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
> You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
> You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatreds.
> You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
> You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's
> initiative and independence.
> You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and
> should do for themselves.
> --William J. H. Boetcker in 1916
> You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
> You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
> You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
> You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
> You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatreds.
> You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
> You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's
> initiative and independence.
> You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and
> should do for themselves.
> --William J. H. Boetcker in 1916
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Oliver Stone…. another Hollywood Communists
Now before you say Oh Can’t be….
Everything you are about to read can be found on the net. I have to give credit to David Horowitz for doing the bulk of this work..
Stone was Born in New York City in September 1946, Oliver Stone is one of the world's most prominent movie directors and a vehement critic of American foreign policy, and makes money hand over fist here in America. Stone enrolled at Yale University in 1965 but dropped out after his freshman year. From April 1967 to November 1968, he served as an infantryman in the U.S. Army, where he specifically requested to be assigned to combat duty.After his stint in the military, Stone attended the New York University film school, where he was mentored by the legendary director/producer Martin Scorsese. Stone graduated in 1971 and soon thereafter launched his cinematic career. His first full-length movie was Seizure (1974).By the early 1970s, Stone had developed strong anti-war convictions. Two of his films, Platoon (1986) and Born on the Fourth of July (1989) -- both of which dealt with the Vietnam War -- portrayed the U.S. military as a villainous entity composed disproportionately of men whose dubious morals predisposed them to indiscriminately gun down enemy soldiers and unarmed civilians alike. I have a completely different view of the people that served in Vietnam, I am Veteran of the 25th Infantry Division and never met anyone like the derelict fools he depicts in the movie Platoon. The dishonors he shows the 25th I.D. and all Veterans of that war is Despicable. The movie Born on the Forth of July is about the U.S. Marine Corps. NO HIGHER HONOR THEN A UNITED STATES MARINE. I’ll leave it at that. Much of Stone's work is, like the films cited in the preceding paragraph, unabashedly political in nature. He tackles projects of both historical relevance and fantasy, often addressing the recurring themes of conspiracy, power, greed, violence, and of course war. He uses the medium of film as a political tool, pushing a leftist agenda while expressing his overt contempt for conservatives specifically, and for myriad facets of American culture generally.Stone's historical revisionism is evident in those movies he has made that center on events of the 1960s and 1970s. In his 1991 film JFK, Stone concludes that President Kennedy was killed by conspiring factions of CIA officers, Cuban refugees, Texas oil tycoons, and rogue U.S. military personnel. In his 1995 film Nixon, Stone connects the eponymous President to the assassination of Kennedy. The only other people he did not blame in the movie was Archie Bunker and Beaver Clever.Other Stone-directed movies of the 1990s, including The Doors and Natural Born Killers, explored the themes of excess and drug use -- subjects with which Stone himself was familiar, having been addicted to cocaine in the 1970s.In the wake of 9/11, Stone opined that the terrorist hijackers had acted not as unprovoked aggressors, but rather in retaliation against American arrogance and corporate greed. "I think the revolt of September 11th was about 'F--- you! F--- your order,'" he said. (Deep Thinking here..)Stone also accused the U.S. government of having purposely allowed Osama bin Laden to escape unharmed while pretending to be hot on his trail. "Bin Laden," said Stone, "was completely protected by the oil companies in this country who told [President] Bush not to go after him because it would piss off the Saudis."In 2002 Stone was a signatory to Not In Our Name's "Statement of Conscience," an anti-war declaration whose signers pledged "to resist the [U.S.] policies ... which pose grave dangers to the people of the world." Not In Our Name was a project of the Maoist agitator C. Clark Kissinger and the Revolutionary Communist Party.In 2003 Stone directed Comandante, a documentary study (for HBO television) of Fidel Castro. For the making of this film, Stone was granted thirty hours of interview time with the Cuban dictator, whom he would later describe as someone "[w]e should look to … as one of the Earth's wisest people, one of the people we should consult.” Well now we don’t have to because we have a communist dictator in the white House Now.Comandante portrayed Castro as a sympathetic figure. HBO, however, cancelled the film's scheduled airing in the spring of 2003, after 80 human-rights activists in Cuba had been sentenced to prison terms of 20 years or more -- for speaking out against abuses by the Castro regime.Undeterred, Stone returned to Cuba in May 2003 to film Looking for Fidel, which retained an admiring tone toward Castro. In a television interview following the movie's release, Charlie Rose asked Stone about objections that some critics had raised vis a vis Castro's human-rights violations. Stone replied: "I can't answer the question because, frankly, I don't know the answer…. Human rights is a very, very delicate [concept]. It goes both ways. I mean, there can be those people who are authentically violated and those people who are not, those people who are supported by the United States financially and those who are not." I think our rights are violated when we have to hear this loon speak..Also in 2003, Stone directed Persona Non Grata, a sympathetic documentary (again for HBO) about the Palestinian leader and longtime international terrorist and pedophile, Yasser Arafat. Arafat recently had been placed under house arrest by the Israeli Defense Forces, in retaliation for his repeated failure to discourage Arab terrorism. Stone nonetheless paid a friendly visit to Arafat in the latter's Ramallah compound. While he was in the region, the director also visited with Ramallah's leading Hamas chieftain, Hassan Yussef. Talk about friends in low places.. After the release of Persona Non Grata, Stone explained that he had made the film in order to ask Arafat about his "long-term classical values: what your life was like, what the meaning of your suffering was, what regrets you have.” Some one should have asked how many little boys did he violate. In an interview with famed Hollywood Variety columnist Army Archerd, Stone said that after having made this movie, he now understood why suicide bombers "feel the way they do." "The Israelis have no business in the West Bank," Stone elaborated. "The [Jewish] settlements have to be gotten out of the West Bank." And where did you get you diplomatic credentials from??? In 2003 Stone lent his name to a statement condemning the Smithsonian Institution's plan to exhibit the Enola Gay, the B-29 Superfortress used in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. Stone and his fellow 250+ signers -- among whom were Noam Chomsky, Martin Sheen, Norman Lear, and Pete Seeger -- were opposed to the aircraft being regarded in a "celebratory" manner. I guess it doesn’t matter that the dropping of the Atom Bombs SAVED WELL OVER ONE MILLION LIVES. In 2006 Stone released his film World Trade Center, which centered around two Port Authority police officers who became trapped under the rubble of New York's fallen Twin Towers on 9/11. At a press conference connected to the film's premier at the San Sebastian International Film Festival, Stone publicly announced that he was "ashamed for my country." And you though it was just Michelle Oboma, He added: "We [America] have destroyed the world in the name of security ... From September 12 on, the incident was politicized and it has polarized the entire world. It is a shame because it is a waste of energy to see that the entire world five years later is still convulsed in the grip of 9/11. It's a waste of energy away from things that do matter, which is [sic] poverty, death, disease, the planet itself, and fixing things in our own homes rather than fighting wars with others. Mr. Bush has set America back ten years, maybe more ... We did not fight back in the same way that the British fought the IRA or the Spanish government fought the Basques here. Terrorism is a manageable action. It can be lived with." We were a lot safer under Bush, rather then this bowing and bumbling fool, that is trying to be a man, or trying to fill a mans shoes, in the white house.At a Moscow press conference in September 2006, Stone hinted that he might make another film suggesting that the Bush administration had been intimately involved in the planning and execution of 9/11. "There is a great story in a movie, a conspiracy by a group of people in the American administration who have an agenda and who used 9/11 to further that agenda," he told journalists. Stone accused President Bush of exploiting 9/11 to stoke Americans' fear and bolster his own power in a manner that was "right out of George Orwell."In 2008 Stone was one of more than 560 celebrities, scholars, journalists, politicians, and organizations to sign a petition asking the federal government to grant clemency to Leonard Peltier, an American Indian rights activist convicted of murdering two FBI agents in 1975. Among Stone's fellow signatories were Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, and the American Friends Service Committee.Stone is also a supporter of Mumia Abu Jamal, a leftist icon and former Black Panther convicted of the 1981 murder of Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner.In a January 2008 interview with The Observer, Stone expressed support for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla group designated as a terrorist organization by both the European Union and the United States. Said Stone: Is there a terrorist out there that this clown doesn’t love. "I do think that by the standards of Western civilization they [FARC] go too far; they kidnap innocent people. On the other hand, they're fighting a desperate battle against highly financed, American-supported forces who have been terrorizing the countryside for years and kill most of the people. FARC is fighting back as best it can, and grabbing hostages is the fashion in which they can finance themselves and try to achieve their goals, which are difficult. They're a peasant army; I see them as a Zapata-like army. I think they are heroic to fight for what they believe in and die for it, as was Castro in the hills of Cuba." That same month, Stone collaborated with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a FARC sympathizer, in brokering a deal which called for the guerrilla group to release three hostages as a gesture of good faith. Stone described Chavez as "an honest man, a strong man and a soldier." Now if your going to look up to some one as a mentor or a father figure, some one with honor and dignity, It would definitely be a Marxist murdering, violator of human rights like the pig faced Hugo Chavez. NO???!!!! In March 2008 Stone, along with actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, was named as a judge in a advertising contest designed to promote the presidential candidacy of Senator Barack Obama.In October 2008, during the height of the presidential election season, Stone released his film on the life and presidency of George W. Bush, simply titled W. Starring Barbra Streisand's stepson, Josh Brolin, as President Bush, the movie portrays Bush as a petty, profane, religious zealot.Over the years, Stone has made campaign contributions to a number of political candidates, most notably Jesse Jackson, Barbara Boxer, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, Ralph Nader, John Edwards, and Barack Obama.So why do we send our hard earned money to this Holly Wood Communist? He hates us, and our way of life. He hates the United States as a representative republic. He hates capitalism, Stop sending YOUR money to this communist; we can live with out him..
Everything you are about to read can be found on the net. I have to give credit to David Horowitz for doing the bulk of this work..
Stone was Born in New York City in September 1946, Oliver Stone is one of the world's most prominent movie directors and a vehement critic of American foreign policy, and makes money hand over fist here in America. Stone enrolled at Yale University in 1965 but dropped out after his freshman year. From April 1967 to November 1968, he served as an infantryman in the U.S. Army, where he specifically requested to be assigned to combat duty.After his stint in the military, Stone attended the New York University film school, where he was mentored by the legendary director/producer Martin Scorsese. Stone graduated in 1971 and soon thereafter launched his cinematic career. His first full-length movie was Seizure (1974).By the early 1970s, Stone had developed strong anti-war convictions. Two of his films, Platoon (1986) and Born on the Fourth of July (1989) -- both of which dealt with the Vietnam War -- portrayed the U.S. military as a villainous entity composed disproportionately of men whose dubious morals predisposed them to indiscriminately gun down enemy soldiers and unarmed civilians alike. I have a completely different view of the people that served in Vietnam, I am Veteran of the 25th Infantry Division and never met anyone like the derelict fools he depicts in the movie Platoon. The dishonors he shows the 25th I.D. and all Veterans of that war is Despicable. The movie Born on the Forth of July is about the U.S. Marine Corps. NO HIGHER HONOR THEN A UNITED STATES MARINE. I’ll leave it at that. Much of Stone's work is, like the films cited in the preceding paragraph, unabashedly political in nature. He tackles projects of both historical relevance and fantasy, often addressing the recurring themes of conspiracy, power, greed, violence, and of course war. He uses the medium of film as a political tool, pushing a leftist agenda while expressing his overt contempt for conservatives specifically, and for myriad facets of American culture generally.Stone's historical revisionism is evident in those movies he has made that center on events of the 1960s and 1970s. In his 1991 film JFK, Stone concludes that President Kennedy was killed by conspiring factions of CIA officers, Cuban refugees, Texas oil tycoons, and rogue U.S. military personnel. In his 1995 film Nixon, Stone connects the eponymous President to the assassination of Kennedy. The only other people he did not blame in the movie was Archie Bunker and Beaver Clever.Other Stone-directed movies of the 1990s, including The Doors and Natural Born Killers, explored the themes of excess and drug use -- subjects with which Stone himself was familiar, having been addicted to cocaine in the 1970s.In the wake of 9/11, Stone opined that the terrorist hijackers had acted not as unprovoked aggressors, but rather in retaliation against American arrogance and corporate greed. "I think the revolt of September 11th was about 'F--- you! F--- your order,'" he said. (Deep Thinking here..)Stone also accused the U.S. government of having purposely allowed Osama bin Laden to escape unharmed while pretending to be hot on his trail. "Bin Laden," said Stone, "was completely protected by the oil companies in this country who told [President] Bush not to go after him because it would piss off the Saudis."In 2002 Stone was a signatory to Not In Our Name's "Statement of Conscience," an anti-war declaration whose signers pledged "to resist the [U.S.] policies ... which pose grave dangers to the people of the world." Not In Our Name was a project of the Maoist agitator C. Clark Kissinger and the Revolutionary Communist Party.In 2003 Stone directed Comandante, a documentary study (for HBO television) of Fidel Castro. For the making of this film, Stone was granted thirty hours of interview time with the Cuban dictator, whom he would later describe as someone "[w]e should look to … as one of the Earth's wisest people, one of the people we should consult.” Well now we don’t have to because we have a communist dictator in the white House Now.Comandante portrayed Castro as a sympathetic figure. HBO, however, cancelled the film's scheduled airing in the spring of 2003, after 80 human-rights activists in Cuba had been sentenced to prison terms of 20 years or more -- for speaking out against abuses by the Castro regime.Undeterred, Stone returned to Cuba in May 2003 to film Looking for Fidel, which retained an admiring tone toward Castro. In a television interview following the movie's release, Charlie Rose asked Stone about objections that some critics had raised vis a vis Castro's human-rights violations. Stone replied: "I can't answer the question because, frankly, I don't know the answer…. Human rights is a very, very delicate [concept]. It goes both ways. I mean, there can be those people who are authentically violated and those people who are not, those people who are supported by the United States financially and those who are not." I think our rights are violated when we have to hear this loon speak..Also in 2003, Stone directed Persona Non Grata, a sympathetic documentary (again for HBO) about the Palestinian leader and longtime international terrorist and pedophile, Yasser Arafat. Arafat recently had been placed under house arrest by the Israeli Defense Forces, in retaliation for his repeated failure to discourage Arab terrorism. Stone nonetheless paid a friendly visit to Arafat in the latter's Ramallah compound. While he was in the region, the director also visited with Ramallah's leading Hamas chieftain, Hassan Yussef. Talk about friends in low places.. After the release of Persona Non Grata, Stone explained that he had made the film in order to ask Arafat about his "long-term classical values: what your life was like, what the meaning of your suffering was, what regrets you have.” Some one should have asked how many little boys did he violate. In an interview with famed Hollywood Variety columnist Army Archerd, Stone said that after having made this movie, he now understood why suicide bombers "feel the way they do." "The Israelis have no business in the West Bank," Stone elaborated. "The [Jewish] settlements have to be gotten out of the West Bank." And where did you get you diplomatic credentials from??? In 2003 Stone lent his name to a statement condemning the Smithsonian Institution's plan to exhibit the Enola Gay, the B-29 Superfortress used in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. Stone and his fellow 250+ signers -- among whom were Noam Chomsky, Martin Sheen, Norman Lear, and Pete Seeger -- were opposed to the aircraft being regarded in a "celebratory" manner. I guess it doesn’t matter that the dropping of the Atom Bombs SAVED WELL OVER ONE MILLION LIVES. In 2006 Stone released his film World Trade Center, which centered around two Port Authority police officers who became trapped under the rubble of New York's fallen Twin Towers on 9/11. At a press conference connected to the film's premier at the San Sebastian International Film Festival, Stone publicly announced that he was "ashamed for my country." And you though it was just Michelle Oboma, He added: "We [America] have destroyed the world in the name of security ... From September 12 on, the incident was politicized and it has polarized the entire world. It is a shame because it is a waste of energy to see that the entire world five years later is still convulsed in the grip of 9/11. It's a waste of energy away from things that do matter, which is [sic] poverty, death, disease, the planet itself, and fixing things in our own homes rather than fighting wars with others. Mr. Bush has set America back ten years, maybe more ... We did not fight back in the same way that the British fought the IRA or the Spanish government fought the Basques here. Terrorism is a manageable action. It can be lived with." We were a lot safer under Bush, rather then this bowing and bumbling fool, that is trying to be a man, or trying to fill a mans shoes, in the white house.At a Moscow press conference in September 2006, Stone hinted that he might make another film suggesting that the Bush administration had been intimately involved in the planning and execution of 9/11. "There is a great story in a movie, a conspiracy by a group of people in the American administration who have an agenda and who used 9/11 to further that agenda," he told journalists. Stone accused President Bush of exploiting 9/11 to stoke Americans' fear and bolster his own power in a manner that was "right out of George Orwell."In 2008 Stone was one of more than 560 celebrities, scholars, journalists, politicians, and organizations to sign a petition asking the federal government to grant clemency to Leonard Peltier, an American Indian rights activist convicted of murdering two FBI agents in 1975. Among Stone's fellow signatories were Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, and the American Friends Service Committee.Stone is also a supporter of Mumia Abu Jamal, a leftist icon and former Black Panther convicted of the 1981 murder of Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner.In a January 2008 interview with The Observer, Stone expressed support for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla group designated as a terrorist organization by both the European Union and the United States. Said Stone: Is there a terrorist out there that this clown doesn’t love. "I do think that by the standards of Western civilization they [FARC] go too far; they kidnap innocent people. On the other hand, they're fighting a desperate battle against highly financed, American-supported forces who have been terrorizing the countryside for years and kill most of the people. FARC is fighting back as best it can, and grabbing hostages is the fashion in which they can finance themselves and try to achieve their goals, which are difficult. They're a peasant army; I see them as a Zapata-like army. I think they are heroic to fight for what they believe in and die for it, as was Castro in the hills of Cuba." That same month, Stone collaborated with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a FARC sympathizer, in brokering a deal which called for the guerrilla group to release three hostages as a gesture of good faith. Stone described Chavez as "an honest man, a strong man and a soldier." Now if your going to look up to some one as a mentor or a father figure, some one with honor and dignity, It would definitely be a Marxist murdering, violator of human rights like the pig faced Hugo Chavez. NO???!!!! In March 2008 Stone, along with actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, was named as a judge in a advertising contest designed to promote the presidential candidacy of Senator Barack Obama.In October 2008, during the height of the presidential election season, Stone released his film on the life and presidency of George W. Bush, simply titled W. Starring Barbra Streisand's stepson, Josh Brolin, as President Bush, the movie portrays Bush as a petty, profane, religious zealot.Over the years, Stone has made campaign contributions to a number of political candidates, most notably Jesse Jackson, Barbara Boxer, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, Ralph Nader, John Edwards, and Barack Obama.So why do we send our hard earned money to this Holly Wood Communist? He hates us, and our way of life. He hates the United States as a representative republic. He hates capitalism, Stop sending YOUR money to this communist; we can live with out him..
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Constitution? We don't need no stinking Constitution!
The strange thing about the Democratic rank-and-file now is that their Leftist-Liberal leaders have almost comprehensively and completely built-in a fundamental dislike (almost hatred) and distrust of the state and US Constitutions and Declaration of Independence.
How bizarre. If one talks with a typical Democrat these days and particularly the younger ones, they have an almost automatic disdain for the state and federal Constitutions and have virtually no knowledge of them or the principles involved. That is very different from the Democrats I grew up around in the 60s. Today, it is reflected in the zombie-like rhetoric and name-calling about anyone, whether a Republican, Independent, Libertarian or others who profess a love and understanding of the Founding documents and the principles involved. I would think they would understand that this is a very dangerous trend for the long-term survival of their own party IN THIS COUNTRY.
Even if a Democrat is found that openly professes a love (extremely rare) of the Constitution(s) and Declaration, almost none of them have studied in-depth either the state or federal Constitutions or have an understanding of the principles behind the documents. That is a clear reflection of how far their party leadership has moved the rank-and-file away from those principles. Most Democrats don't even seem to understand how those principles were set-up to work at all or why. Rejecting the principles, they have adopted the "living document" fallacy to accomodate the rejection.
It was only a few short decades ago that Democrats were just as likely to profess a love and understanding of the Constitution as any Republican. They understood many of the same principles, just took a slightly different view of them. Now there is virtually nothing in common with those that want to see Constitutional government. How did that happen? Five or six decades ago many Democrats, similar to many Republcans, were still "classic liberals", which is referred to today as a 'libertarian.' It is interesting how time causes such large polarity flips to where the average Democrat of today wouldn't even recognize his counterpart of 60 years ago. He would believe that counterpart to be a Republican! Anyone that needs a fact-check on that should Google and read the National Democratic Platform from 1932 that FDR ran on, then was the first to throw away.
Both major parties have strayed far from their roots and principles. Many Republicans have a long way (some as far as the Dems from another direction) to go to find their way back to the Founding principles. Both parties have precipitated the rise of the TEA Party movement because of it. However, it is clear at this point that the reason that Democrats only comprise 12-17% of TEA Partiers is the success the anti-Constitutionalists have had in the Democratic Party. The average Democrat sees someone who believes in the Constitution and Declaration as someone to fear and loathe. That's something all Democrats need to think about and why more need to flock to the TEA Party movement before it is too late.
Jeff Wright
Vice-Chair, EPC TEA Party
"The man who lets a leader prescribe his course is a wreck being towed to the scrap heap." - Ayn Rand
How bizarre. If one talks with a typical Democrat these days and particularly the younger ones, they have an almost automatic disdain for the state and federal Constitutions and have virtually no knowledge of them or the principles involved. That is very different from the Democrats I grew up around in the 60s. Today, it is reflected in the zombie-like rhetoric and name-calling about anyone, whether a Republican, Independent, Libertarian or others who profess a love and understanding of the Founding documents and the principles involved. I would think they would understand that this is a very dangerous trend for the long-term survival of their own party IN THIS COUNTRY.
Even if a Democrat is found that openly professes a love (extremely rare) of the Constitution(s) and Declaration, almost none of them have studied in-depth either the state or federal Constitutions or have an understanding of the principles behind the documents. That is a clear reflection of how far their party leadership has moved the rank-and-file away from those principles. Most Democrats don't even seem to understand how those principles were set-up to work at all or why. Rejecting the principles, they have adopted the "living document" fallacy to accomodate the rejection.
It was only a few short decades ago that Democrats were just as likely to profess a love and understanding of the Constitution as any Republican. They understood many of the same principles, just took a slightly different view of them. Now there is virtually nothing in common with those that want to see Constitutional government. How did that happen? Five or six decades ago many Democrats, similar to many Republcans, were still "classic liberals", which is referred to today as a 'libertarian.' It is interesting how time causes such large polarity flips to where the average Democrat of today wouldn't even recognize his counterpart of 60 years ago. He would believe that counterpart to be a Republican! Anyone that needs a fact-check on that should Google and read the National Democratic Platform from 1932 that FDR ran on, then was the first to throw away.
Both major parties have strayed far from their roots and principles. Many Republicans have a long way (some as far as the Dems from another direction) to go to find their way back to the Founding principles. Both parties have precipitated the rise of the TEA Party movement because of it. However, it is clear at this point that the reason that Democrats only comprise 12-17% of TEA Partiers is the success the anti-Constitutionalists have had in the Democratic Party. The average Democrat sees someone who believes in the Constitution and Declaration as someone to fear and loathe. That's something all Democrats need to think about and why more need to flock to the TEA Party movement before it is too late.
Jeff Wright
Vice-Chair, EPC TEA Party
"The man who lets a leader prescribe his course is a wreck being towed to the scrap heap." - Ayn Rand
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Preaching the party line
Preaching the party line
So one day a man knocks on the door and say's to you we are here in the neighborhood and asking if you would like to have this valve put in you house that is hooked up to our distribution point and if you put this outlet in your house we hook it up for Free, and you will get all these gems, silver, diamonds, gold.....
How could you say no?!?!. So your hooked up and you can't wait to open this thing to get all that was promised, Sure enough when you turn it to the on position all they promised is flowing out, slowly, painfully slow, but it's flowing. You and your family are vigilant at watching for the gems, silver, diamonds, gold, and you are getting it just like they said.Now what they did not tell you, is that for you to get all of this, there has to be a push, or a catalyst to get the stuff moving from the distribution point to your house. Now at first you say so what look what were getting, it's a small inconvenience, nothing to complain about. As time goes on you see less and less treasures and more and more catalyst, and the catalyst is starting to turn color and has a slight odor, But still your getting all this treasures, well years have gone by now and you have to sift through so much catalyst that it's a all over the house and it's really starting to smell badly not to mention the foul content that is coming in also is so bad that the children in the house are not allowed to go near it or handle the stuff, at this point your sifting through so much vile and vulgar trash that you wonder what happened to the treasures. Now you realize that this out let is polluting you and the people you love and your house. YOU turn the valve OFF. That my friends is your Television hooked up to Cable or Satellite.
Lets go back to the time when in the 1950’s there were only five channels on broadcast television and we had to have an antenna on the roof pointed just right to pick up the broadcast..At that time we had some very note worthy shows that would entertain us and in most case would provide the edification of the America and the American way. We learned that telling the truth was always the best thing to do. We were shown that a good neighbor was a blessing to have, and to know for, in some cases thirdly years or more, so much so that they were as close as family,We were shown that treating an animal with respect and to care for it’s well-being had long term rewards of faithfulness and loyalty.Maybe fathers were not always correct, but they were always Dad’s, and Dad’s word was as good as Mom’s, Mom’s word WAS LAW. Mothers were not always the best at everything they did, but they were always the anchor of the family and always Mom. Parents back then had a way of bringing forth a wise and thoughtful answer to the worldly troubles of the children and teens under there roof, and children respected and honored there parents and elders in general. Ok so now you have the idea, I don't have to go no about family values and all that.
Fast forward to today, The American way is vilified, Americans are made out to be arrogant fools, Fathers,, if there is one, will be portrayed as a dumb sexiest, homophobic, greedy, racist, and if the father has the unfortunate curse of being a white male ,,, well he's probably a pedophile and the family is better off with out him any way..
Now the Mother is portrayed as the hard working long suffering, can't get ahead cause of the husband beating her up side the head, because he dropped out of school in the 10th grade because he got her pregnant when he forced him self on her,,,now he has to work to support her and the kid, but can't hold down a job for more that a few months, and can't pass a drug screen. She is held back by him and is seeing her shrink on the side going to some of the worst motels in the next county so not to be seen coming out of a no tell motel... Telling the truth went out the window, and remember that neighbor I told you about, who is like family...well in today's television world he is a peeping tom and is checking out the neighbors 10 year old daughters room when she undressing for bed, and he found out that the wife is playing around with the shrink and is blackmailing her for sex on demand. Now the kids have have a whole new world, they know dad's a dork that can't be trusted and his way of exposing his son to literature is passing down the old copies of hustler..He’s drinking as much or more the the father, before the lunch bell at school, The daughter is in a struggle to find out just who and what she is and at this point has been used and abused by most of the boys on the football team, track, and basketball team. She is very pretty but suffers from low self esteam, want’s to run away from it all... X and Crack are taking the place of food..
So now ask the question now did this happen?? Well the liberals.. and just for the record when I say liberals, I am talking about the collectivest, communalest, socialist, communist…….Do you recall The U.S.S.R. Russian Communist..???
The name is: The United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic.. The communist form of government is Socialism..So now that we covered that.
The socialist communist hate America and all the good that is American, they hate good morals, they hate the family as an instution, They hate God and anything to do with God. They hate prayer and want to do away with all loyalty oaths, like the pledge of alligence to the flag..They hate any thing that is higher or better then the state. They hate the art of class and culture, They hate our free speech, they hate our constitution and see it as a road block and hinderance to there utopia..They break down our cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and television.
Let me make the profound statement that Joe McCarthy WAS RIGHT Hollywood is flooded with communist. So much so that, it looks like another world in make belive town..
This letter is not intended to assuage your worst fears about The Hollywood Communist but will, in most cases, confirm them. I want to share this with you because I frequently talk about how The Hollywood Communist's hirelings, who are legion, are the carrion birds of humanity. I would drop the subject except that if we're to effectively carry out our responsibilities and make a future for ourselves. I plan to restore our righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail over The Hollywood Communist's lethargic, hideous band. This is a choice I have made; your choice is up to you. But let me remind you that The Hollywood Communist's irritable suggestions make all of us pay for its boondoggles. News of this deviousness must spread like wildfire if we are ever to put its lumpish meta narratives to the question.
I want to thank The Hollywood Communist for its treatises. They give me an excellent opportunity to illustrate just how vindictive The Hollywood Communist can be. It is certainly the height of ironies that if you've read this far then you probably either agree with me or are on the way to agreeing with me. The Hollywood Communist has the seeds of its own destruction built right into its unsavory worldview. Yes, I could add that it used twisted and self-contradictory logic to arrive at its conclusion that all minorities are poor, stupid ghetto trash, but I wanted to keep my message simple and direct. I didn't want to distract you from the main thrust of my message, which is that The Hollywood Communist wants to produce an army of mindless insects who will obey its every command.Think about the Lie to me nightly news networks… To produce such an army, it plans to destroy people's minds using either the drugs of TV or an advanced form of lobotomy Movies. Whichever approach it takes, I am intellectually honest enough to admit my own previous ignorance in that matter. I wish only that The Hollywood Communist had the same intellectual honesty.
It would be great if all of us could give the needy a helping hand as opposed to an elbow in the face. In the end, however, money talks and you-know-what walks. Perhaps that truism also explains why I am aware that many people may object to the severity of my language. But is there no cause for severity? Naturally, I warrant that there is because we were put on this planet to be active, to struggle, to work, and to do something good for others. We were not put here to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos, as The Hollywood Communist might allege. The Hollywood Communist maintains a "Big Brother" dossier of incriminating personal information about everyone it distrusts, to use as a potential career-ruining weapon. Is your name listed in that dossier? I could give you the answer now but it would be more productive for me first to inform you that knowledge and wisdom are The Hollywood Communist's enemies. They understand that by limiting education and enlightenment, it can fool more people into believing that it can succeed without trying. Sadly, those with the least education are those who would benefit most from the knowledge that the things The Hollywood Communists wants to do are unfair, immoral, and if not illegal, Treasonable… I won't dwell on that except to direct your attention to the Pharisaical manner in which they have been trying to turn once-flourishing neighborhoods into zones of violence, decay, and moral disregard.
If The Hollywood Communist's comrades had even an ounce of integrity they would establish clear, justifiable definitions of propagandist and nonrepresentational so that one can defend a decision to take action when The Hollywood Communist's satraps create new (and reinforce existing) prejudices and misconceptions. My vision that some day, people everywhere will deal with The Hollywood Communist's adulterated scribblings on a case-by-case basis is an inspiring dream. Unfortunately, reality always awakens me and reminds me that The Hollywood Communists is addicted to the feeling of power, to the idea of controlling people. Sadly, it has no real concern for the welfare or the destiny of the people it desires to lead and show how to live. The Hollywood Communists contends that we can all live together happily without laws, like the members of some 1960s-style dope-smoking commune. What planet are they from? The planet Brazen? That's the question that perplexes me the most because The Hollywood Communist's dissertations are built on lies and they depend on make-believe for their continuation.
Would all The Hollywood Communists like it if I were bilious and mudslinging, too? I don't think so. The Hollywood Communists, as usual, prove themselves to be inhumane. If you were to ask The Hollywood Communists, they say that they can’t remember challenging all I stand for. Not only do The Hollywood Communists have a very selective memory, but its oppressive causeries can be quite educational. By studying them, students can observe firsthand the consequences of having an organization consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and ignorance. I have just enough stomach left to address one last instance of The Hollywood Communist's vindictive imbecility: The Hollywood Communists sincerely believes that it is not only acceptable but indeed desirable to rob Peter to pay Paul. Unfortunately we are the Peter and the Paul that they will steal from..
So after all of this rant… What to do???? What is the one thing that can be taken away from The Hollywood Communist that will hurt and damage the most??? Would you just love to have a hand in putting them in there place, and say if you don’t like it here get the hell out.
Are they always talking about Money, Things, Clout, Life in the lap of luxury, living the good life… Well it takes money to do that.. YOUR MONEY.. They are selling a product that is vile and vulgar, and putting down the very way of life we love…………………. So stop sending YOUR MONEY to them… HOW???!! Stop going to there movies, Stop buying there Music, Stop watching the trash they put on TV. ABOVE ALL stop watching the socialist news networks ie: CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, These OUT LETS are loosing viewers buy the truck load, now. Just imagine what will happen, When the money stops going in to the pockets of the Hollywood Communist, and they no longer have a voice to push the party line… Americans have done this in the past, when the money stops, people see the light…
So one day a man knocks on the door and say's to you we are here in the neighborhood and asking if you would like to have this valve put in you house that is hooked up to our distribution point and if you put this outlet in your house we hook it up for Free, and you will get all these gems, silver, diamonds, gold.....
How could you say no?!?!. So your hooked up and you can't wait to open this thing to get all that was promised, Sure enough when you turn it to the on position all they promised is flowing out, slowly, painfully slow, but it's flowing. You and your family are vigilant at watching for the gems, silver, diamonds, gold, and you are getting it just like they said.Now what they did not tell you, is that for you to get all of this, there has to be a push, or a catalyst to get the stuff moving from the distribution point to your house. Now at first you say so what look what were getting, it's a small inconvenience, nothing to complain about. As time goes on you see less and less treasures and more and more catalyst, and the catalyst is starting to turn color and has a slight odor, But still your getting all this treasures, well years have gone by now and you have to sift through so much catalyst that it's a all over the house and it's really starting to smell badly not to mention the foul content that is coming in also is so bad that the children in the house are not allowed to go near it or handle the stuff, at this point your sifting through so much vile and vulgar trash that you wonder what happened to the treasures. Now you realize that this out let is polluting you and the people you love and your house. YOU turn the valve OFF. That my friends is your Television hooked up to Cable or Satellite.
Lets go back to the time when in the 1950’s there were only five channels on broadcast television and we had to have an antenna on the roof pointed just right to pick up the broadcast..At that time we had some very note worthy shows that would entertain us and in most case would provide the edification of the America and the American way. We learned that telling the truth was always the best thing to do. We were shown that a good neighbor was a blessing to have, and to know for, in some cases thirdly years or more, so much so that they were as close as family,We were shown that treating an animal with respect and to care for it’s well-being had long term rewards of faithfulness and loyalty.Maybe fathers were not always correct, but they were always Dad’s, and Dad’s word was as good as Mom’s, Mom’s word WAS LAW. Mothers were not always the best at everything they did, but they were always the anchor of the family and always Mom. Parents back then had a way of bringing forth a wise and thoughtful answer to the worldly troubles of the children and teens under there roof, and children respected and honored there parents and elders in general. Ok so now you have the idea, I don't have to go no about family values and all that.
Fast forward to today, The American way is vilified, Americans are made out to be arrogant fools, Fathers,, if there is one, will be portrayed as a dumb sexiest, homophobic, greedy, racist, and if the father has the unfortunate curse of being a white male ,,, well he's probably a pedophile and the family is better off with out him any way..
Now the Mother is portrayed as the hard working long suffering, can't get ahead cause of the husband beating her up side the head, because he dropped out of school in the 10th grade because he got her pregnant when he forced him self on her,,,now he has to work to support her and the kid, but can't hold down a job for more that a few months, and can't pass a drug screen. She is held back by him and is seeing her shrink on the side going to some of the worst motels in the next county so not to be seen coming out of a no tell motel... Telling the truth went out the window, and remember that neighbor I told you about, who is like family...well in today's television world he is a peeping tom and is checking out the neighbors 10 year old daughters room when she undressing for bed, and he found out that the wife is playing around with the shrink and is blackmailing her for sex on demand. Now the kids have have a whole new world, they know dad's a dork that can't be trusted and his way of exposing his son to literature is passing down the old copies of hustler..He’s drinking as much or more the the father, before the lunch bell at school, The daughter is in a struggle to find out just who and what she is and at this point has been used and abused by most of the boys on the football team, track, and basketball team. She is very pretty but suffers from low self esteam, want’s to run away from it all... X and Crack are taking the place of food..
So now ask the question now did this happen?? Well the liberals.. and just for the record when I say liberals, I am talking about the collectivest, communalest, socialist, communist…….Do you recall The U.S.S.R. Russian Communist..???
The name is: The United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic.. The communist form of government is Socialism..So now that we covered that.
The socialist communist hate America and all the good that is American, they hate good morals, they hate the family as an instution, They hate God and anything to do with God. They hate prayer and want to do away with all loyalty oaths, like the pledge of alligence to the flag..They hate any thing that is higher or better then the state. They hate the art of class and culture, They hate our free speech, they hate our constitution and see it as a road block and hinderance to there utopia..They break down our cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and television.
Let me make the profound statement that Joe McCarthy WAS RIGHT Hollywood is flooded with communist. So much so that, it looks like another world in make belive town..
This letter is not intended to assuage your worst fears about The Hollywood Communist but will, in most cases, confirm them. I want to share this with you because I frequently talk about how The Hollywood Communist's hirelings, who are legion, are the carrion birds of humanity. I would drop the subject except that if we're to effectively carry out our responsibilities and make a future for ourselves. I plan to restore our righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail over The Hollywood Communist's lethargic, hideous band. This is a choice I have made; your choice is up to you. But let me remind you that The Hollywood Communist's irritable suggestions make all of us pay for its boondoggles. News of this deviousness must spread like wildfire if we are ever to put its lumpish meta narratives to the question.
I want to thank The Hollywood Communist for its treatises. They give me an excellent opportunity to illustrate just how vindictive The Hollywood Communist can be. It is certainly the height of ironies that if you've read this far then you probably either agree with me or are on the way to agreeing with me. The Hollywood Communist has the seeds of its own destruction built right into its unsavory worldview. Yes, I could add that it used twisted and self-contradictory logic to arrive at its conclusion that all minorities are poor, stupid ghetto trash, but I wanted to keep my message simple and direct. I didn't want to distract you from the main thrust of my message, which is that The Hollywood Communist wants to produce an army of mindless insects who will obey its every command.Think about the Lie to me nightly news networks… To produce such an army, it plans to destroy people's minds using either the drugs of TV or an advanced form of lobotomy Movies. Whichever approach it takes, I am intellectually honest enough to admit my own previous ignorance in that matter. I wish only that The Hollywood Communist had the same intellectual honesty.
It would be great if all of us could give the needy a helping hand as opposed to an elbow in the face. In the end, however, money talks and you-know-what walks. Perhaps that truism also explains why I am aware that many people may object to the severity of my language. But is there no cause for severity? Naturally, I warrant that there is because we were put on this planet to be active, to struggle, to work, and to do something good for others. We were not put here to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos, as The Hollywood Communist might allege. The Hollywood Communist maintains a "Big Brother" dossier of incriminating personal information about everyone it distrusts, to use as a potential career-ruining weapon. Is your name listed in that dossier? I could give you the answer now but it would be more productive for me first to inform you that knowledge and wisdom are The Hollywood Communist's enemies. They understand that by limiting education and enlightenment, it can fool more people into believing that it can succeed without trying. Sadly, those with the least education are those who would benefit most from the knowledge that the things The Hollywood Communists wants to do are unfair, immoral, and if not illegal, Treasonable… I won't dwell on that except to direct your attention to the Pharisaical manner in which they have been trying to turn once-flourishing neighborhoods into zones of violence, decay, and moral disregard.
If The Hollywood Communist's comrades had even an ounce of integrity they would establish clear, justifiable definitions of propagandist and nonrepresentational so that one can defend a decision to take action when The Hollywood Communist's satraps create new (and reinforce existing) prejudices and misconceptions. My vision that some day, people everywhere will deal with The Hollywood Communist's adulterated scribblings on a case-by-case basis is an inspiring dream. Unfortunately, reality always awakens me and reminds me that The Hollywood Communists is addicted to the feeling of power, to the idea of controlling people. Sadly, it has no real concern for the welfare or the destiny of the people it desires to lead and show how to live. The Hollywood Communists contends that we can all live together happily without laws, like the members of some 1960s-style dope-smoking commune. What planet are they from? The planet Brazen? That's the question that perplexes me the most because The Hollywood Communist's dissertations are built on lies and they depend on make-believe for their continuation.
Would all The Hollywood Communists like it if I were bilious and mudslinging, too? I don't think so. The Hollywood Communists, as usual, prove themselves to be inhumane. If you were to ask The Hollywood Communists, they say that they can’t remember challenging all I stand for. Not only do The Hollywood Communists have a very selective memory, but its oppressive causeries can be quite educational. By studying them, students can observe firsthand the consequences of having an organization consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and ignorance. I have just enough stomach left to address one last instance of The Hollywood Communist's vindictive imbecility: The Hollywood Communists sincerely believes that it is not only acceptable but indeed desirable to rob Peter to pay Paul. Unfortunately we are the Peter and the Paul that they will steal from..
So after all of this rant… What to do???? What is the one thing that can be taken away from The Hollywood Communist that will hurt and damage the most??? Would you just love to have a hand in putting them in there place, and say if you don’t like it here get the hell out.
Are they always talking about Money, Things, Clout, Life in the lap of luxury, living the good life… Well it takes money to do that.. YOUR MONEY.. They are selling a product that is vile and vulgar, and putting down the very way of life we love…………………. So stop sending YOUR MONEY to them… HOW???!! Stop going to there movies, Stop buying there Music, Stop watching the trash they put on TV. ABOVE ALL stop watching the socialist news networks ie: CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, These OUT LETS are loosing viewers buy the truck load, now. Just imagine what will happen, When the money stops going in to the pockets of the Hollywood Communist, and they no longer have a voice to push the party line… Americans have done this in the past, when the money stops, people see the light…
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